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Atlantic Canada Article Titles  Atlantic Canada on the brink of major projects Oil refinery in Saint John, NB Refurbishment of Point Lepreau nuclear.

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2 Atlantic Canada

3 Article Titles  Atlantic Canada on the brink of major projects Oil refinery in Saint John, NB Refurbishment of Point Lepreau nuclear plant – 5000 people for the construction phase Nova Scotia’s Deep Panuke natural gas project NL’s oil and hydro projects Halifax – Research in Motion – will hire on average an employee a day for the next 5 years.

4 Article Titles  NL – Churchill Falls Hydro Project; Hebron Oil Field; $800 million dollar Voisey Bay Smelter  PEI – aerospace technology leader

5 Article Titles  Health-Care sector full of career opportunities  Health-care sector under pressure  NB job sectors show hot growth  Nfld & Labrador: oil and gas sector full of potential  Mining for jobs in NL  NL job snapshot – cranberries, jobs for shipbuilders

6 Article Titles  Halifax soars with economic success  Cape Breton rebounding with job opportunities  RIM building new technical campus in N.S. hiring 1200 employees  Forty new scientists needed in PEI  PEI IT company growing steadily

7 Article Titles  PEI flush with job opportunities  Saint John poised to become major energy hub  Forestry firm will need 4,000 workers  Last year was record one for jobs in N.S.  PEI aerospace industry needs 250 people  Construction sector needs workers in PEI

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