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1 A High-Statistics -Nucleus Scattering Experiment Using an On-Axis, Fine-grained Detector in the NuMI Beam Jorge G. Morfín - Fermilab MINER A (Main INjector.

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1 1 A High-Statistics -Nucleus Scattering Experiment Using an On-Axis, Fine-grained Detector in the NuMI Beam Jorge G. Morfín - Fermilab MINER A (Main INjector ExpeRiment -A) Received Physics Approval from Fermilab PAC in April New Experiment in the Fermilab Neutrino Program

2 2 Both HEP and NP collaborators D. Drakoulakos, P. Stamoulis, G. Tzanakos, M. Zois University of Athens, Athens, Greece D. Casper University of California, Irvine, California E. Paschos University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany D. Boehnlein, D. A. Harris, M. Kostin, J.G. Morfin, P. Shanahan, P. Spentzouris Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois M.E. Christy, W. Hinton, C.E.Keppel Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia R. Burnstein, A. Chakravorty, O. Kamaev, N. Solomey Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois S.Kulagin Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia I. Niculescu. G..Niculescu James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia G. Blazey, M.A.C. Cummings, V. Rykalin Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois W.K. Brooks, A. Bruell, R. Ent, D. Gaskell,, W. Melnitchouk, S. Wood Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia S. Boyd, D. Naples, V. Paolone University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A. Bodek, H. Budd, J. Chvojka, P. de Babaro, S. Manly, K. McFarland, I.C. Park, W. Sakumoto, R. Teng University of Rochester, Rochester, New York R. Gilman, C. Glasshausser, X. Jiang, G. Kumbartzki, K. McCormick, R. Ransome Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey H. Gallagher, T. Kafka, W.A. Mann, W. Oliver Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts J. Nelson William and Mary College, Williamsburg, Virginia Red = HEP, Blue = NP, Green = Theorist Quantitative Study of Low-energy -Nucleus Interactions

3 3 Typical samples of NC 1-  production  ANL  p  n  + (7 events)  n  n  0 (7 events)  Gargamelle t p  p  0 (240 evts) t n  n  0 (31 evts)  K2K and MiniBooNe t Starting a careful analysis of single  0 production. Strange Particle Production  Gargamelle-PS - 15  events.  FNAL - ≈ 100 events  ZGS - 7 events  BNL - 8 events  Larger NOMAD sample expected CC Motivation: Detailed Knowledge of low-energy Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions DISMAL As we saw MiniBooNe and K2K improving the situation at Lower Energies + n  - + p S. Zeller - NuInt04

4 4 The MINER A Detector  Active target of scintillator bars (6t total, 3 - 5 t fiducial) - M64PMT  Surrounded by calorimeters t upstream calorimeters are Pb, Fe targets (~1t each) t magnetized side and downstream tracker/calorimeter C, Fe and Pb Nuclear targets OPTIONAL

5 5 Active Target Module  Planes of strips are hexagonal  inner detector: active scintillator strip tracker rotated by 60 º to get stereo U and V views  Pb “ washers ” around outer 15 cm of active target t outer detector: frame, HCAL, spectrometer t XUXV planes  module Inner, fully-active strip detector Outer Detector magnetized sampling calorimeter

6 6 Performance of the Detector: Tracking in Active Target  technique pioneered by D0 upgrade pre-shower detector  Coordinate resolution from triangular geometry is excellent   ~ 2-3 mm in transverse direction from light sharing 3.3cm 1.7cm

7 7 Location in NuMI Near Hall  MINER A preferred running is as close as possible to MINOS, (without Muon Ranger), using MINOS as high energy muon spectrometer  If necessary, MINER A can run stand-alone elsewhere in the hall with the muon ranger

8 8 The NuMI Neutrino Beam Main injector: 120 GeV protons 110 m 1 km Move target only Move target and Second horn With E-907(MIPP) at Fermilab to measure particle spectra from the NuMI target,expect to know neutrino flux to ≈ ± 3-4 %.

9 9 MINER A will have the statistics to cover a wide variety of important physics topics Main Physics Topics with Expected Produced Statistics  Quasi-elastic 300 K events off 3 tons CH  Resonance Production 600 K total, 450 K 1   Coherent Pion Production25 K CC / 12.5 K NC  Nuclear Effects C:0.6M, Fe: 1M and Pb: 1 M   T and Structure Functions 2.8 M total /1.2 M DIS event  Strange and Charm Particle Production > 60 K fully reconstructed events  Generalized Parton Distributions (few K events?) Assume 9x10 20 POT: MINOS chooses 7.0x10 20 in LE  beam, 1.2x10 20 in sME and 0.8x10 20 in sHE  Event Rates per fiducial ton ProcessCC NC Quasi-elastic103 K 42 K Resonance196 K 70 K Transition210 K 65 K DIS420 K125 K Coherent 8.4 K 4.2 K TOTAL940 K305 K Typical Fiducial Volume = 3-5 tons CH, 0.6 ton C, ≈ 1 ton Fe and ≈ 1 ton Pb 3 - 4.5 M events in CH 0.5 M events in C 1 M events in Fe 1 M events in Pb

10 10 To perform a wide variety of physics studies: What is the MINER A Physics Program?  Physics Monte Carlos - NEUGEN (H. Gallagher) and NUANCE (D. Casper)  Quasi-elastic ( + n -->    + p, 300 K events off 3 tons CH) - A. Bodek, H. Budd  Precision measurement of  E ) and d  /dQ important for neutrino oscillation studies. t Precision determination of axial vector form factor (F A ), particularly at high Q 2 t Study of proton intra-nuclear scattering and their A-dependence (C, Fe and Pb targets)  Resonance Production (e.g. + N --> /    600 K total, 450K 1  ) - S.Wood, M.Paschos  Precision measurement of  and d  /dQ  for individual channels t Detailed comparison with dynamic models, comparison of electro- & photo production, the resonance-DIS transition region -- duality  Study of nuclear effects and their A-dependence e.g. 1   2  3  final states  Coherent Pion Production ( + A --> /    25 K CC / 12.5 K NC   - H. Gallagher  Precision measurement of  for NC and CC channels t Measurement of A-dependence t Comparison with theoretical models

11 11 To perform a wide variety of physics studies - continued  Nuclear Effects (C, Fe and Pb targets)- S. Boyd, R. Ransome and J. G. M. t Final-state intra-nuclear interactions. Measure multiplicities and E vis off C, Fe and Pb. t Measure NC/CC as a function of E H off C, Fe and Pb. t Measure shadowing, anti-shadowing and EMC-effect as well as flavor-dependent nuclear effects and extract nuclear parton distributions.  MINER A and Oscillation Physics - D. A. Harris  MINER A measurements enable greater precision in measure of  m, sin 2  23 in MINOS  MINER A measurements important for  13 in MINOS and off-axis experiments  MINER A measurements as foundation for measurement of possible CP and CPT violations in the  sector   T and Structure Functions (2.8 M total /1.2 M DIS events) - C. Keppel and J. G. M. t Precision measurement of low-energy total and partial cross-sections t Understand resonance-DIS transition region - duality studies with neutrinos t Detailed study of high-x Bj region: extract pdf’s and leading exponentials over 1.2M DIS events

12 12 To perform a wide variety of physics studies - continued  Strange and Charm Particle Production (> 60 K fully reconstructed exclusive events) - A. Mann, V. Paolone and N. Solomey  Exclusive channel   E ) precision measurements - importance for nucleon decay background studies.  Statistics sufficient to reignite theorists attempt for a predictive phenomenology t Exclusive charm production channels at charm threshold to constrain m c  Generalized Parton Distributions ( few K events??) - W. Melnitchouk and R. Ransome  Provide unique combinations of GPDs, not accessible in electron scattering (e.g. C-odd, or valence-only GPDs), to map out a precise 3-dimensional image of the nucleon. MINER A would expect a few K signature events in 4 years. t Provide better constraints on nucleon (nuclear) GPDs, leading to a more definitive determination of the orbital angular momentum carried by quarks and gluons in the nucleon (nucleus) t provide constraints on axial form factors, including transition nucleon --> N* form factors

13 13 A few MINER A Physics Results: Quasi-elastic Scattering MINER A: 300 K events off CH and over 100 K off of Fe and Pb  Cross-section important for understanding low-energy neutrino oscillation results and needed for all low energy neutrino monte carlos used in neutrino oscillation analyses.  Constrained kinematics help measure final state interactions off three different nuclear targets. MINER A Expected MiniBooNe And K2K measurements S. Zeller - NuInt04 Expected MiniBooNe and K2K measurements

14 14 Extraction of F A with Selected Sample MINER A will have the statistics and Q 2 range to distinguish between the two different suggested Q 2 behaviors. Expected MiniBooNe and K2K measurements

15 15 Coherent Pion Production 00 NN P Z  Characterized by a small energy transfer to the nucleus, forward going . NC (  0 production) significant background for  -->. e oscillation search t Data has not been precise enough to discriminate between several very different models.  Expect roughly (30-40)% detection efficiency with MINER A.  Can also study A-dependence with MINER A

16 16 Coherent Pion Production MINER A: 25 K CC / 13 K NC: CH and 25 K (50K) CC / 13 K (25K)NC: Fe (Pb) H. Gallagher Selection criteria reduce the signal by a factor of three - while reducing the background by a factor of ≈ 1000. Resulting sample is ≈ 5 K CC coherent events signal

17 17 Coherent Pion Production MINER A: 25 K CC / 12.5 K NC events off C - 8.3 K CC/ 4.2 K NC off Fe and Pb MINER A Expected MiniBooNe and K2K measurements Rein-Seghal Paschos- Kartavtsev

18 18 Physics with the Resonance (+ Transition Region) Scattering Sample: > 1,000,000 events (400 K 1  )  produced

19 19 Resonance Production -  S. Wood and M. Paschos Total Cross-section and d  /dQ 2 for the  ++ assuming 50% detection efficiency Errors are statistical only: 175K  ++ DO NOT FORGET RADIATIVE DECAYS AS BACKGROUND TO   --> e TT

20 20 Resonance Production - Nuclear Effects Adler, Nusinov, Paschos model (1974) One obvious omission, this model does not include hadron formation length corrections ++ -- L H on L H off MINER A can measure L H off of C, Fe and Pb E = 5 GeV NEUGEN ++

21 21 Nuclear Effects MINER A: 2.8 M events off CH, 600 K off C and 1 M events off of Fe and Pb S. Boyd, JGM, R. Ransome Q2 distribution for SciBar detector MiniBooNE From J. Raaf (NOON04) All “known” nuclear effects taken into account: Pauli suppression, Fermi Motion, Final State Interactions They have not included low- shadowing that is only allowed with axial-vector (Boris Kopeliovich at NuInt04) L c = 2 / (m  2 + Q 2 ) ≥ R A (not m  2 ) L c 100 times shorter with m  allowing low -low Q 2 shadowing ONLY MEASURABLE VIA NEUTRINO - NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS! MINER A WILL MEASURE THIS ACROSS A WIDE AND Q 2 RANGE WITH C : Fe : Pb Problem has existed for over two years Larger than expected rollover at low Q 2

22 22 Nuclear Effects  Modified Interaction Probabilities  Shadowing Region (x Bj < 0.1): Expect a difference in comparison to e/  - nucleus results due to axial-vector current and quark-flavor dependent nuclear effects. t EMC-effect (0.2 < x Bj < 0.7): depends on explanation of the effect t Fermi Motion Effect (x Bj > 0.7): should be the same as e-nucleus scattering  With sufficient  measure flavor dependent effects.  NC/CC off C, Fe and Pb t Over 100 K CC and 30 K NC with E H > 5 GeV on Fe and Pb, times 3 for Carbon. S. Kulagin prediction for shadowing region x Bj

23 23 Example: MINER A Sensitivity to Nuclear Effects E Had (+3  ) - E Had (-3  )} / E Had (-3  ) Use NEUGEN Monte Carlo model to study  intranuclear scattering and absorption D. Harris Study effects of  absorption Study  rescattering as f(A) Fe Pb Errors from low MC statistics

24 24 Multiplicity and Containment Average multiplicity (no neutrons) as a function of E H Fraction of events fully contained within active volume downstream of nuclear targets as a function of E H QE RES DISAll

25 25 Strange and Charm Particle Production Existing Strange Particle Production Gargamelle-PS - 15  events. FNAL - ≈ 100 events ZGS - 7 events BNL - 8 events Larger NOMAD inclusive sample expected MINER A Exclusive States 100x earlier samples 3 tons and 4 years  S = 0  - K +     -   K +     -  + K 0     -   K + p    -   K +   p    S = 1  - K + p   - K 0 p   -  + K 0n   S = 0 - Neutral Current  K +     K 0     K 0     Theory: Initial attempts at a predictive phenomenology stalled in the 70’s due to lack of constraining data.  MINERvA will focus on exclusive channel strange particle production - fully reconstructed events (small fraction of total events) but still.  Important for background calculations of nucleon decay experiments  With extended  running could study single hyperon production to greatly extend form factor analyses  New measurements of charm production near threshold which will improve the determination of the charm-quark effective mass.

26 26 Challenges of Oscillation Measurements  MINOS measurement of  m 2 t need a wide band beam to do this t need to understand the relationship between the incoming neutrino energy and the visible energy in the detector  NO A/T2K search for   e t Must have accurate prediction for backgrounds t Once a signal is seen, it’s extracting a probability  NO A/T2K precision measurement of sin 2 2  23 t Have to predict NC background

27 27 How Nuclear Effects enter MINOS  m 2 Measurement Measurement of  m 2 with MINOS  Need to understand the relationship between the incoming neutrino energy and the visible energy in the detector  Expected from MINER A t Improve understanding of pion and nucleon absorption t Understand intra-nuclear scattering effects t Understand how to extrapolate these effects from one A to another t Improve measurement of pion production cross-sections  Understand low- shadowing with neutrinos

28 28 How MINER A Would Help NO A/T2K: Once a Signal is seen… Current Accuracy of Loe-energy Cross-sections  QE = 20%  RES   DIS   COH  With MINER A Measurements of   QE = 5%  RES  (CC, NC)  DIS   COH  Total fractional error in the predictions as a function of Near Detector off-axis Angle Without MINER A measurements of  oscillation probability measurement could be limited by systematics!

29 29 How MINER A Helps No A/T2K: Background Predictions Current Accuracy of Cross-sections  QE = 20%  RES   DIS   COH  With MINER A Measurements of   QE = 5%  RES  (CC, NC)  DIS   COH  Total fractional error in the background predictions as a function of Near Detector off-axis Angle With MINER A measurements of  decrease fractional error on background prediction again by a factor of FOUR

30 30 Detector: Cost Summary and Schedule Beam and Experimental Hall already Exist!  Costs are primarily scaled from experience of MINER A collaborators on CMS HCAL and MINOS  $2.55M equipment  $1.41M labor, EDIA  $1.54M contingency (39% avg.)  Sum $5.5M  Full project costs not updated since proposal (steel costs up)  Schedule for full detector: ~ 26 - 30 months from start

31 31 Summary  MINER A, a recently approved experiment, brings together the expertise of the HEP and NP communities to address the challenges of low-energy -A physics.  MINER A will accumulate significantly more events in important exclusive channels across a wider E range than currently available. With excellent knowledge of the beam,  will be well-measured.  With C, Fe and Pb targets MINER A will enable a systematic study of nuclear effects in -A interactions, known to be different than well-studied e-A channels.  WE NEED A LARGE ANTINEUTRINO EXPOSURE  We welcome additional collaborators!!

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