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RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review RHIC Integration Cross-sectional view of 56 MHz Cavity in Vacuum Vessel.

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Presentation on theme: "RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review RHIC Integration Cross-sectional view of 56 MHz Cavity in Vacuum Vessel."— Presentation transcript:

1 RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review RHIC Integration Cross-sectional view of 56 MHz Cavity in Vacuum Vessel

2 RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review RHIC Systems Integration: – This an opportunity for C-AD staff to discuss issues regarding the integration of the 56 MHz Cryomodule into the RHIC Ring into RHIC operations – Groups already identified as needing additional information include: RF Integration Testing Operations Controls Machine Protection Operations

3 RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review01/19/11 Are there issues or questions that can be addressed or initiated now? If offline meetings are required when is a good time for further discussions?

4 56 MHz Cryomodule- RHIC Installation 4 Cryomodule will be placed in the Sector 3 side of IP4

5 56 MHz Cryomodule- RHIC Installation Model of Cryomodule Installation at IP4 – in early development

6 RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review01/19/11 For future Formal Review the following will be required: – Technical overview – concise description of system – Materials Budget - listing items with associated cost – Schedule – timelines and durations referenced in the overall program schedule. – Manpower estimate - showing type of labor required, durations needed and when required in timeline.

7 RHIC 56 MHz Cryomodule Informational Review01/19/11 MANPOWER (in FTE/12)ANNUAL FY 2011MANPOWER JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPTOTALS 56 MHz Cryomodule Engineering Mechanical2.5 221.5 18.5 Vacuum0.1 0.2 1 RF0.1 0.4 Controls0.1 0.2 0.7 Cryogenics0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 2.5 Access Controls0.2 1.2 EAG0.2 0.1 0.9 Beam Instrumentation0.20.10.3 Engineering Labor Estimate (FTE/12): Need tracking of manpower by month then integrated in all C-AD work Shown is one possible spreadsheet arrangement – MSProject is another.

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