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©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Project Debrief and Plans Moving Forward Theories of Radio Creative Execution Pat Kidd,

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Presentation on theme: "©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Project Debrief and Plans Moving Forward Theories of Radio Creative Execution Pat Kidd,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Project Debrief and Plans Moving Forward Theories of Radio Creative Execution Pat Kidd, SVP Brand & Strategy Harris Interactive

2 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Purpose of this Research  To conduct structured and disciplined interviews with a large number of experienced creative Radio ad professionals to identify the generally-agreed principles of effective Radio ad creation. Future research may be needed to validate those assertions, but at this stage, we’d be interested in structured identification of current best practices.”  When implemented, the results of this project will make it possible all copywriters engaged in the creation of radio advertising, to share in knowledge that is likely to make their efforts more productive and their creative product more effective.

3 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Where We Are Now Week of 6/16 Debrief w/o 6/23 Weeks of 6/30 – 7/17 Debrief 7/24 2 Sessions 8/6 2 Sessions 8/13 Week of 8/25 15 Telephone Interviews 5 In-person Interviews 4 Online ASL Sessions (20/Session Total 80) Report Delivered

4 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E What Has Been Done To Date  Preliminary in-person and telephone interviews with 20 copywriters from a mix of large and small agencies, production companies and radio station copywriters in a mix of geographies.  The purpose of these discussions has been to develop hypotheses about how creative people go about the task of creating radio advertising and the particular elements they believe contribute to radio advertising effectiveness.

5 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E How Things Have Gone So Far  HIGH level of enthusiasm and engagement among the advertising agency, radio station and production agency creatives interviewed. – Welcome the efforts of RAL to explore this area. – Consensus on the potential power of radio... – And, consensus on the fact that there is a lot of very BAD radio advertising.

6 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E How Things Have Gone So Far  These Creative people LOVE making radio ads. – Great creative freedom – It’s a “writer’s medium” - “Theater of the Mind” – Able to do very creative things with small budgets that would cost multiples more in TV – Extremely fast turnaround – Because budget risk is low, fewer people (clients) involved in approvals

7 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Good Receptivity to Sharing Knowledge  There was also a lot of support for things RAL might do to share knowledge about what works/what doesn’t in creating excellent radio.  Ideas we have shared so far include: – Increased access to examples of effective radio advertising, including a CD of the commercials, scripts and tips from professionals who created them. – A one or two day offsite training workshop. – “Webisodes” – 10 – 15 minute tutorials that would be archived for access as needed. – Interactive, self-administered online tutorials on how to create radio ads in different categories. – Encourage ad schools to teach courses on how to create effective radio ads. – “Crib Sheets” with tips on how to create effective ads that could be shared with co-workers. – Sharing the findings from this research.

8 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Creative Theories  There is a lot of consistency in the assumptions creatives have about what makes for effective radio ads and the process used to develop them. For instance: “Big 5” elements of effective advertising: truth, entertainment, storytelling, emotion, conversation with the listener. – Best way to sell a product in radio is to entertain and evoke an emotion, so the listener invites you in. – Give people a reward for listening by making them laugh or entertaining them. – Find a unique and interesting way to deliver the story in radio. – Radio ads are most emotionally compelling when they are based on universal truth that resonates with people. – Humor is a highly effective approach because it grabs peoples’ attention and holds their interest. – Use intimacy of radio to create a personal experience for the listener. – Talk with, not at the person they’re trying to reach – Theater of the Mind is what differentiates radio from other media – Although the creation of the idea is a solitary pursuit, once different expressions are developed many feel it’s a good idea have someone who is a sounding board.  A lot of creatives feel BAD radio advertising comes from small local stations where the client or the salespeople create the ads. – Feel there’s a big opportunity to elevate the effectiveness of radio if those people can be reached.

9 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E What’s Next? 2 Sessions 8/6 2 Sessions 8/13 Week of 8/18 15 Telephone Interviews 5 In-person Interviews 4 Online Asl Sessions (20/Session Total 80) Report Delivered

10 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E What’s Online ASL? ASL is a unique, proprietary tool we use for conveniently engaging professionals in discussions that require brainstorming strategic focus. It allows professionals to participate in a moderated online session from their own desks. We recommend this because it would use the results of the preliminary individual discussions to gain input and consensus from a broader group of radio creatives.  Facilitated online brainstorming session  1.5 hours in length  Creative directors log on to session from their own computer  As the session is facilitated, participants enter their own thoughts and are able to see their own and others’ input in real time.  Clients can observe the session. They see the same input as the participants.

11 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Online Asl Sessions Two Dates/Four Sessions August 6, August 13 | Session 1 – 6:00 PM | Session 2 – 8:00 PM Two Ways To Participate 1.Join Us In Harris Interactive’s Soho Office Harris Interactive 161 Sixth Avenue (At Spring Street) New York, NY 10013 2.Alternatively, Log Onto Session From Office/Home. We Will Be Sending Out A Formal Outlook Invitation For Both Dates. Let Us Know How You Intend To Participate - In Person In NY Or Online At Your Own Computer.

12 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E ASL Guide Session will have seven exercises: 1)What makes good radio advertising? (Brainstorm/Rating) 2)What are things you like about creating radio ads, compared to other media? (Brainstorm) 3)What (if anything!) do you dislike about creating radio ads? (Brainstorm) 4)What are the specific things you do to create “Theater of the Mind?” (Brainstorm/Rate) 5)What are the things that most get in the way of creating “Theater of the Mind?” (Brainstorm/Rate) 6)Best advice you would give to someone just starting out to create great radio advertising? (Open Verbal Discussion) 7)Value of tools for sharing valuable tips on how to create great advertising for radio. (Ratings of Tools for perceived value)

13 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Subsequent Schedule Begin recruiting for ASL sessions w/o 7/14 Update for Radio Ad Lab Committee 7/24 ASL Sessions8/6 – 8/13 Analysis of Results8/13 – 8/22 Report to Radio Ad Lab 8/25

14 ©2007, Harris Interactive Inc. H A R R I S I N T E R A C T I V E Contact Information Patricia Kidd Senior Vice President, Senior Consultant Brand & Communications Consulting Harris Interactive 5 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609.919.2649 Cell: 609.273.8238 Joan Connors Senior Vice President, Senior Consultant Brand & Communications Consulting Harris Interactive 5 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone: 609.919.2406

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