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Spain, Growth of Cities, and Medieval Legacy. The Reconquista (Re-conquest) of Spain Spain had been controlled by Muslims since the 8 th century. By the.

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Presentation on theme: "Spain, Growth of Cities, and Medieval Legacy. The Reconquista (Re-conquest) of Spain Spain had been controlled by Muslims since the 8 th century. By the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spain, Growth of Cities, and Medieval Legacy

2 The Reconquista (Re-conquest) of Spain Spain had been controlled by Muslims since the 8 th century. By the 15 th century Christian had driven out the Muslims The period from about 900-1450 is called the Reconquista.

3 Ferdinand and Isabella Unite Spain Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile were married. This event unified Spain and a nation. Spain would be the new superpower in Europe. In 1492 the Rulers drove out the last of the Muslims

4 Spain before the Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella

5 Spain After the 1492

6 Growth of European Cities Towns and cities grew during the high Middle Ages as the amount of trade increased between Europe and other continents. Farming technology also allowed population to grow. How would better farming allow population to grow? Medieval London

7 Medieval Trade Trade began to grow in Europe after the Crusades. Most of this trade was controlled by merchants from Italy and Northern Europe. Italians among earliest to build thriving trade Italians brought back silk and spices from China, India and then sold it to other Europeans

8 European Trade Routes

9 Money Trade encouraged use of money, had not been common in Europe for years Previously workers paid with goods Cities began minting coins, workers began demanding coins for payment Banks Use of money, credit led to creation of Europe’s first banks People could deposit money for safekeeping, request loans Most money-lenders were Jews, barred from many other occupations Credit Some merchants allowed customers to buy goods on credit In return for goods, customer signed document stating when, how payment would be made Money and Credit

10 Better Farming in the Late Middle Ages Heavy plow increased amount of crops grown on land; water mill, windmill, used power of nature to grind wheat into flour Improved technologies meant fewer people needed to farm Enabled more people to move to cities, build life there

11 Free Towns Emerge With better farming less serfs were needed. Lords started letting excess “help” leave the manor. “free serfs” moved to cities. Paris, London, and Rome grew quickly and began to be referred to as cities

12 SECTION 3 The Growth of Towns The Decline of Serfdom Serfs could leave for towns. Serfs could earn money by selling crops to townspeople. Changing agricultural methods pushed them off the land. The Black Death killed many people in Europe so the demand for workers increased.

13 Medieval Legacy During the Middle Ages or Dark Ages a distinct European culture developed. The nations of England, France, and Spain were established. All of you speak a European language that started during this time Many of you practice a religion that was spread by Europeans

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