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EVA: Don’t Leave Earth Without It
Presented by J. Scott Cupples and Stephen Smith NASA, Johnson Space Center FISO Telecon
Introduction Modern manned space programs come in two categories: those that need Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and those that will need EVA. EVA was used to save payloads, enhance on-orbit capabilities, and build structures in order to ensure success of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) missions The Extravehicular Mobility Unit’s (EMU) design, and hence, its capabilities evolved, as its mission evolved Lessons can be drawn from these case studies so that EVA compatibility is designed into future vehicles and payloads. Cupples Five categories of EVA Satellite Repair/Rescue HST ISS construction Vehicle Repair and Maintenance EVA Development First four will be discussed, EVA hardware development could be the subject of a different talk
Satellite Repair & Rescue Planned satellite capture with Manned Maneuverability Unit (MMU)
STS-41C MMU rendezvous with Solar Max Smith At advent of Shuttle Program, only one EVA mission existed: closing PLB doors Shuttle managers recognized utility of having an expanded EVA capability Between 1983 and 1997, thirteen EVAs over eight missions to repair and rescue satellites STS-41C in 1984 was first attempted satellite capture EVA Capture failed due to an interfering grommet on satellite that was not reflected in drawings Instead, Solar Max was berthed in PLB via RMS and the EVA crew repaired the satellite It was relaunched from PLB and was operational again within a month The next satellite repair mission was STS-51A in November 1985, which used the MMU to retrieve two satellites, Westar and Palapa. Those satellites were brought back to Discovery and returned to Earth. After the mission, the satellites were refurbished and relaunched. STS-41C Training with MMU at the Weightless Environmental Training Facility (WETF) STS-51A MMU Capture of Palapa B-2 Satellite
Satellite Repair & Rescue First Un-scheduled EVA from Shuttle
Flyswatter affixed during EVA to RMS with help of Payload Retention Device (PRD) STS-51A MMU Capture of Palapa B-2 Satellite STS-51A MMU Capture of Palapa B-2 Satellite STS-51A MMU Capture of Palapa B-2 Satellite STS-51A MMU Capture of Palapa B-2 Satellite Satellite Repair & Rescue First Un-scheduled EVA from Shuttle Flyswatter affixed during EVA to RMS with help of Payload Retention Device STS-51D WETF Evaluation of Flyswatter installation on Shuttle Robotic Manipulator System (RMS) Smith LEASAT-3 was launched from the PLB on STS-51D in April 1985 Its kick motor failed to ignite Engineers and technicians on the ground worked to build a tool which could allow the RMS to activate the kick motor switch The crew performed the first unscheduled EVA to install ‘flyswatter’ paddles on the end of the RMS The paddles worked, but the kick motor didn’t Flyswatter in position to engage Sequencer Start Lever on LEASAT-3
Satellite Repair & Rescue Human Grappling/Capture of Satellites – External Loads into Suit
STS-49 Three-crewmember EVA grapple of Intelsat Cupples In August of 1985, the crew of STS-51-I retrieved the satellite, repaired it, and redeployed it STS-49 in 1992 featured the first – and only – three-person EVA. The two-person EVA crew spent the first two EVAs trying to mate a capture bar to Intelsat, but it was not possible Three person EVA was conducted on EVA three to enable the crew to manually grapple Intelsat and mate it to its perigee kick motor As a result of the experience of these EVAs, engineers recognized upgrades that could be incorporated to improve the EMU Redesigned HUT Improved axial restraint system in arms, waist, legs, boots Dual seal bearings 3000 series gloves Improved flexibility Improved palm material for enhanced tactility Very robust glove 4000 series gloves Eliminated excess bladder material Eliminated pressure points Early STS EVAs gave NASA valuable experience working with large space structures Allowed NASA to refine the EMU design and tools based on real-world use These lessons were carried forward STS-51I Syncom IV EVA Capture
Hubble Servicing Missions Realization of intricate on-orbit EVA Capabilities
STS-61 WETF training for Wide-Field Planetary Camera (WFPC) removal/installation Smith HST one of the first truly EVA-compatible satellites 23 EVAs were conducted over the span of five Shuttle missions from 1993 to 2009 The HST missions are the best example of EVA repairing a malfunctioning satellite HST launched in 1990, and astronomers immediately noticed a problem called spherical aberration due to mirror being ground incorrectly STS-61/SM 1 (1993) Five EVAs conducted to install the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (COSTAR) to correct spherical aberration Upgraded gyroscopes, solar arrays Original solar arrays shuddered every time HST transitioned from day/night or night/day After gyro install, crew had difficulty closing latches on doors – engineers and ground controllers devised a solution and overcame problem STS-61 was complete success and allowed HST to return imagery designers intended Five EVAs in one mission is record that has been matched but not surpassed STS-61 On-orbit removal and temporary stowage of WFPC
Hubble Servicing Missions HST enhancements and increased capability
Smith STS-82/SM 2 (1997) Five EVAs Swapped two spectrograph instruments for Near Infrared Camera and Multi Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) and Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Both instruments included correction factor for flawed optics Repaired thermal insulation STS-61 COSTAR installation STS-82 NICMOS preparation for installation
Hubble Servicing Missions
Smith STS-103/SM 3A (1999) Three EVAs Replaced all six gyroscopes after a subset began to fail Upgraded computer to a unit that was 20x faster and had 6x more memory Installed battery protection kit to prevent overheating and overcharging Replaced failed S-band transmitter, allowing HST to communicate w TDRSS Installed spare solid state data recorder, replacing original reel-to-reel unit (and increased storage from 1.2 GB to 12 GB Upgraded fine guidance sensor Lubricated door hinges and repaired degraded thermal insulation STS-82 Manipulator Foot Restraint (MFR) and tool preparation for EVA STS-103 Use of Pistol Grip Tool (PGT) to secure bolted fastener on HST Flight Support Equipment
Hubble Servicing Missions
STS-109 Solar Array preparation for FSE removal and HST installation Cupples STS-109/SM 3B (2002) Five EVAs Upgraded solar arrays Installed new Power Control Unit which is compatible with solar arrays Replaced Faint Object Camera with Advanced Camera for Surveys Removal of FOC and install of ACS eliminated need for COSTAR Installed cryocooler for NICMOS STS-125/SM 4 (2009) Removed COSTAR Installed Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Installed Wide Field Camera 3 Repaired ACS and STIS Upgraded thermal insulation Installed soft-dock mechanism to allow deorbit motor to mate with HST In each HST mission, EVA crew repaired, replaced or upgraded systems to improve HST’s condition Improvised workarounds and adaptively solved problems real-time during spacewalks The real-time adaptability is often overlooked when trading EVA capability against robotic capability HST EVAs also demonstrated astronauts were capable of performing complicated assembly and maintenance tasks during EVAs, helping to pave the way for ISS construction STS-109 HST Connector Tool is ready to assist with connector removal/installation
ISS Assembly Pre-ISS Shuttle Missions to Validate Hardware and Capabilities
STS-61B ACCESS/EASE demonstration of EVA Construction Capabilities and Techniques Smith Developmental EVAs in early years of Shuttle experimented with construction techniques (STS-61B with EASE/ACCESS and STS-49 with ASEM) and translation concepts (STS-37 with CETA) And test concepts that could be used later. STS-37 Evaluation of Crew and Equipment Translation Aids (CETA)
ISS Assembly STS-64L Detailed Test Objective (DTO) evaluating EVA SAFER Smith In early 1990s, as ISS assembly was being planned, it became clear that a large number of EVAs were going to be required to complete the task Large number of EVAs was called ‘The Wall of EVAs’ 98 EVAs were conducted during Shuttle missions out of both STS and ISS airlocks to assemble 650 hours of spacewalks 25 of first 26 assembly EVAs were conducted out of Shuttle airlock After Quest Joint Airlock was installed on STS-104/7A, EVAs originated from ISS Shuttle was still vital to the success of EVA, though, because Shuttle provided the EMUs for the ISS EVAs Preserved EMUs on ISS, which have a limit on the number of times they can be used prior to servicing STS-64 conducted DTO on MMU replacement called SAFER Implemented SAFER, because Orbiter could not undock to rescue separated crewmember SAFER uses hand controller to ‘fly’ N2 propelled jetpack and gyroscopic sensors to maintain attitude control ISS construction began with STS-88 with power and avionics cables being connected from PMA1 to FGB STS-88 View from Mid-deck as avionics connections are completed between PMA1 and Node1
ISS Assembly STS-113 EVA Crew completes assembly tasks for ISS Truss Segment P1 Cupples In preparation for all the EVAs, EMU went through a major upgrade program called EMU Enhancements Goals: Provide on-orbit logistical options to minimize amount of EMU hardware launched Can’t send an entire closet of suit parts to orbit Need to optimize components to allow them to fit widest range of sizes possible Reduce time to resize suit Baseline EMU required about three hours for pair of arms or legs Required lacing cord and needle Enhanced design involves screw on arms, legs, sizing rings Cams on axial restraints allow for smaller adjustments Resize of a suit could be accomplished in as little as 15 minutes STS-123 Linnehan pauses from SPDM Robotic Arm assembly to take a photo of the Space Shuttle
ISS Assembly Assembly Complete: STS-134 docked to ISS as seen from Soyuz 25S departure Cupples Other changes added On-Orbit-Replaceable features to major components of the EMU HUT PLSS SOP DCM Arms Allowed all components to be changed out on orbit with a minimum of tools Haven’t used capability on orbit as of yet, but efficiencies were realized in ground processing Prior to enhancements, only CCC and Batt could be changed by crew Maintenance Original EMU maintenance interval was seven EVAs conducted over a two-week period Not practical to fly new suits to orbit every two weeks Extended to 25 EVAs conducted over six months The Space Shuttle and EVA were integral components in the construction of ISS The Shuttle brought the largest elements to Low Earth Orbit and a combination of robotics and EVA successfully mated these elements and their associated fluid lines and power and data cables The Shuttle Program and EVA successfully demonstrated that large, complex space structures could be built in space.
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance Mir Spectr Module attempted leak repair after collision from Progress
STS-86 Space Station Mir and docked Shuttle seen reflected in self-portrait photo Smith At various times throughout the Shuttle Program, EVA has been called upon to perform maintenance tasks or restore a function of a vehicle In a few cases, EVAs were performed to ensure survivability of a manned vehicle STS-86/Mir (1997) Following the collision of a Progress resupply module with Mir, astronauts attempted to seal a leak in the Spektr module Ultimately, attempted repair failed and Spektr remained unpressurized for remainder of Mir project STS-86 Damaged Mir Spectr module in which sealing cap was installed during EVA, but did not correct leak.
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance ISS Mechanisms not designed (or anticipated) to need EVA Repair
Smith STS-97 (2000) EVA crew inspected and repaired ISS solar array tensioning mechanism which failed during deployment Crew adapted EVA Contingency Tools from Shuttle to effect repairs, as no suitable tools were available on ISS This repair exemplifies the value of having an adaptable EVA capability on orbit This was a task that no one envisioned, and employed tools and techniques no one knew in advance to develop STS-97 Re-positioning of tensioning wire onto pulley of P6 Solar Array Wing (SAW) Blanket Box
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance Shuttle Thermal Protections System (TPS) Repair
STS-114 Robinson on SSRMS (out of view) moving to protruding Gap Filler location STS-117 EVA Repair of OMS Pod Blanket separation (before and after). STS-114 EVA Gloved-hand removal of Gap Filler between heat shield tiles Cupples Following the Columbia Tragedy, NASA aggressively pursued an EVA capability to assess and repair damage to the Orbiter Thermal Protection System (TPS), including the Reinforced Carbon-Carbon (RCC) leading edge sections on the wings the thermal tile heat shields blanket sections. EVA repair capability of the TPS and RCC was critical to NASA’s Return To Flight effort. Without the assurance that EVA repair was possible, the Shuttle might not have flown again. The Space Shuttle TPS was inspected and repaired on two separate missions STS-114 (2005) Protruding gap fillers on Orbiter forward belly STS-117 (2007) EVA repair of torn and peeled blanket on OMS pod
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance Un-scheduled EVA Task to provide strain relief to ripped Solar Array
STS-120 Parazynski on OBSS maneuvered to position to repair torn Solar Array Blanket with improvised Cuff-links Smith STS-120 (2007) EVA crewmembers inspected, repaired and supported the redeployment of the ISS solar array. STS-120 Cuff-links installed prior to Solar Array tensioning
Vehicle Repair & Maintenance Functional Recovery of Damaged Solar Alpha Rotary Joint (SARJ)
Smith STS-126 (2008) Maintenance work was performed on the ISS power generation system when the EVA crew spent four EVAs to clean debris, lubricate the solar array race ring and replace the trundle bearing of the ISS Solar Array Rotary Joints. STS-126 EVA Crew prepares SARJ for application of lubrication on race-ring bearing surfaces
Conclusions EVA was not originally part of the Space Shuttle Program.
Once EVA was adopted as a core capability of the Shuttle, its true potential as an asset to NASA was realized. EVA holds significant, unique advantages over other methods of working in the space environment. EVA crewmembers can provide real-time feedback on worksite conditions and problems being encountered. EVA crewmembers have provided solutions to problems such as stuck bolts and jammed hinges that would have otherwise been impossible for robots to solve. EVA crewmembers have improvised real-time procedures and adapted tools while on-orbit. One important legacy of the Shuttle Program is that EVA was successfully employed to achieve national, program and mission goals. Managers, engineers and designers of future spacecraft systems would do well to remember this EVA legacy. Cupples However, managers soon saw the value of an EVA capability for some contingency scenarios such as shutting Payload Bay doors and closing External Tank doors. Of the 166 US EVAs performed during the Shuttle Program, 144 of them were dedicated to inspecting, retrieving, maintaining, repairing or rescuing a spacecraft in some manner or other. Improvised procedures and tools real-time to deploy stuck antennas and furl solar arrays that used mechanisms that were never expected to fail. These invaluable skills, tools, techniques and lessons learned should be considered for both manned and un-manned future vehicle applications.
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