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MSD II Week 6 Update P13265: Motorcycle Safety Lighting and Portable Electronics Charging System.

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Presentation on theme: "MSD II Week 6 Update P13265: Motorcycle Safety Lighting and Portable Electronics Charging System."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSD II Week 6 Update P13265: Motorcycle Safety Lighting and Portable Electronics Charging System

2 Mike: Action Items Status Lens Covers o Incomplete o Still waiting on shell Bike Wiring Harness/ Tx Box o In Progress (almost complete) o Test fit on bike, confirmed fit w/no permanent mods. Wireless XBee Test o Complete o Captured waveforms from bike for all light sources Assist Tyler with Shell o In Progress

3 Mike: Action Items Status

4 Mike: Next Steps for Week 7 Finish board population w/TJ ~5 hrs Edit/ complete Tech Report ~ 10 Hours Assist Tyler with Shell~ 10 Hours Begin lens covers? ~5 hrs

5 Tyler: Action Items Status Finish New Mold o In Progress o More, various setbacks, near completion Shell Assembly o Incomplete: o Pending completion of new shell Poster Work o Incomplete: o All time this week was dedicated to getting the mold done.

6 Tyler: Next Steps for Week 7 Shell/Backpack Assembly ~ 15 Hours Tech Paper ~ 4 Hours Complete Assembly Plan ~ 4 Hours o Will be completed as backpack is assembled Poster Work ~ 6 Hours

7 Ben: Action Items Status Electronics box o Finished but must be narrowed before gluing Quick Connect o Testing was performed this weekend, with the length of the male end confirmed (along with the mounting of the female end).

8 Ben: Next Steps for Week 7 Reduce box width- 5 hours o Must reduce the width of the top piece, bottom piece, both short sides, and redrill top in new corners Install standoffs- ~2 hours o Placement of all standoffs must be precise Tech paper o I will write my section for Friday

9 Eric: Action Item Status MSP430 Development o Incomplete, In Progress, Complete: o Explain Board Build and Testing o Incomplete, In Progress, Complete: o Explain

10 Eric: Next Steps for Week 7 NS #1 ~ # Hours o Explain NS #2 ~ # Hours o Explain NS #3 ~ # Hours o Explain

11 TJ: Action Items Status Populate PCBs o In Progress: o Should have adapters today and will complete final rework Friday afternoon Test XBee's in Lab and on Bike o In Progress: o Dev Kit issues resolved with current limiting resistors o Bike signals captures and will be replicated in lab EDGE Update o In Progress o Site cleanup and more formatting additions

12 TJ: Next Steps for Week 7 Populate and Debug PCBs ~ 10 Hours o Finish all rework and go through Test Plan XBee Lab Test ~ 2 Hours o Replicate motorcycle signals and ensure correct signal transmission Assemble Tech Paper Rough Draft ~ 5 Hours o Put together segments and add additional information

13 Killian: Action Items Status Refine Sketches o Complete o Sketches, done, scanned into photoshop and started to apply gradient. Initial linework for illustrator renderings has begun, need to group sections and start to apply color/gradients Backpack Assembly o In progress o Cut out a bunch of the cross sections, getting control panel 3-D printed Poster Layout o In progress o Discussed gameplan with Tyler and Mike



16 Killian: Next Steps for Week 7 Complete Photoshop and Illustrator Renderings ~ 6 Hours o Just need to finish applying everything and possibly do a few other sketches of inserting items (phone, laptop, tablet) Assist with Assembly ~ 7 Hours o Help with shell shaping and vacuum forming, painting control panel Draw up Outlines of Poster, begin inserting text and graphics ~ 3 Hours o Hope to have a pretty set layout by next week

17 Major Week 7 Action Items  Mike - Complete Tx Box  Tyler - Backpack Assembly  Ben - Finish Electronics box, quick connect  Eric -  TJ - Populate and Debug PCBs  Killian - Renderings and Assembly

18 Lessons Learned Mike Tyler o Make sure to double check other peoples work thoroughly if your work is dependent on theirs. It's not okay to assume the thought of every problem that could arise. Ben o Double check offset calculations

19 Lessons Learned cont. Eric TJ o SMT population takes a long time and first revisions of boards often need to be reworked and modified for prototyping applications Killian o You can print two items at once with 3-D printers, 3- D printing quality is very limited in the innovation center

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