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April 14, 2011. Welcome  Internet Connect to CLIU CO; passkey: cliu1 Keystone Commons ○

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Presentation on theme: "April 14, 2011. Welcome  Internet Connect to CLIU CO; passkey: cliu1 Keystone Commons ○"— Presentation transcript:

1 April 14, 2011

2 Welcome  Internet Connect to CLIU CO; passkey: cliu1 Keystone Commons ○ ○ Log in or Create an Account ○ Join: CLIU Secondary Math Networking Group  Mix & Mingle

3 Agenda  Keystone Exams Briefing  Digging into the Common Core State Standards  Grade & Course Level Discussions  Grade & Course Level Sharing  District Discussions  Sharing

4 Keystone Exams  Who has taken them in the fall?  What was your impression?

5 Common Core State Standards  Review PDE adopted by legislation July 1, 2010 Fully aligned by July 1, 2011  PDE is monitoring work on Common Core Assessments Two initiatives nationally ○ PARCC ○ SMARTER PA part of both consortia

6 Common Core State Standards: Design Building on the strength of current state standards, the CCSS are designed to be:  Focused, coherent, clear and rigorous  Internationally benchmarked  Anchored in college and career readiness*  Evidence and research based

7 Common Core State Standards: Mathematics  Standards for Mathematical Content K-8 organized by domain 9-12 organized by conceptual categories Progressions of increasing complexity grade to grade  Standards for Mathematical Practice Describe mathematical “habits of mind” Standards for mathematical proficiency: reasoning, problem solving, modeling, decision making, and engagement Connect with content standards in each grade

8 Common Core State Standards: Mathematics  Conceptual understanding and procedural skills stressed equally  Deep learning of concepts is emphasized  Being able to apply concepts and skills to new situations is expected

9 Common Core State Standards: Format High School Conceptual Category Domain Cluster Standards K-8 Grade Domain Cluster Standards (There are no preK Common Core Standards)

10 Common Core State Standards: Format Domains are large groups of related standards. Standards from different domains may sometimes be closely related. Look for the name with the code number on it for a Domain.

11 Common Core State Standards: Format Clusters are groups of related standards. Standards from different clusters may sometimes be closely related, because mathematics is a connected subject. Clusters appear inside domains.

12 Common Core State Standards: Format Standards define what students should be able to understand and be able to do – part of a cluste r.

13 Overview of K-8 Standards The K- 8 standards: The K-5 standards provide students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimals The 6-8 standards describe robust learning in geometry, algebra, and probability and statistics Modeled after the focus of standards from high-performing nations, the standards for grades 7 and 8 include significant algebra and geometry content Students who have completed 7 th grade and mastered the content and skills will be prepared for algebra, in 8 th grade or after

14 Overview of High School Standards The high school mathematics standards: Call on students to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real world issues and challenges Require students to develop a depth of understanding and ability to apply mathematics to novel situations, as college students and employees regularly are called to do Emphasize mathematical modeling, the use of mathematics and statistics to analyze empirical situations, understand them better, and improve decisions Identify the mathematics that all students should study in order to be college and career ready.

15 Standards for Mathematical Practice 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

16 Standards for Mathematical Practice  Read the Standards for Mathematical Practice  Make notes on your first impressions  Table Discussion

17 Standards for Mathematical Practice  Reread introduction, assigned section & conclusion  What are the key points of this standard?  What might this standard Look like in a math classroom? Sound like in a math classroom?  Capture on chart paper & post  Gallery walk

18 Standards for Mathematical Practice  PDE’s strong suggestion  Connection to rigor and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge

19 Break

20 Content Standards  Electronic Document SAS Portal under “Clear Standards” & “Common Core”  Read Introduction & Grades 6, 7, & 8 including the overviews What stands out? What are the implications for Algebra 1 & beyond?  Table Discussions  Whole Group Sharing

21 High School Pathways  The CCSSM Model Pathways are two models that organize the CCSSM into coherent, rigorous courses  The CCSSM Model Pathways are NOT required; the two sequences are examples, not mandates.  Rigor is not compromised in either pathway.

22 High School Pathways  Traditional (US) Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry Data, Probability & Statistics included in each  Integrated (International) Sequence of three courses Each course includes Number, Algebra, Geometry, Probability & Statistics  “Compacted” versions of each To reach Calculus or beyond in high school Nothing skipped; some standards incorporated into 7 th, some retained in 8 th Grade Algebra 1

23 High School Pathways  After Algebra 2 or Math III – some options Precalculus Advanced Statistics Discrete Mathematics Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Calculus  Strategic use of technology expected All courses All work

24 High School Pathways  Both pathways designed for “College and Career Readiness”  Recommend completing the basic sequence of three courses by end of 11 th grade  Recommend a student’s high school math education continue Beyond Algebra 2 or Math III Beyond 11 th grade

25 High School Pathways Choose one pathway to examine in depth.  What stands out?  How does it connect to Grades 6 – 8?  What questions are raised?

26 Lunch

27 Grade & Course Level Discussions Based upon our learning this morning, what should we… Continue doing? Stop doing? Start doing? What support will we need? Capture discussion in our Keystone Commons Group on the appropriate Group Page.

28 Grade & Course Level Sharing Use this time to collaborate and share on anything your table feels is valuable. We will reorganize into district groups at 1:45.

29 District Discussions  What recommendations will you take back to your schools and districts? Continue doing… Stop doing… Start doing…  Who else will benefit from this information? We can share this with… The IU could help by sharing this with… Please capture discussion on appropriate page in Keystone Commons by 2:10.

30 Sharing  Reporter from each district  60 second summary of discussion

31 Until next fall…  June 2 Workshop for K – 6 Math  Next year: two groups  More on Webb’s Depth of Knowledge  The latest and greatest from PDE  Your needs As you continue your discussions and work back at your sites, post to the Support Needed page in our Keystone Commons Group.  Thank you!

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