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Recent Results from PHENIX Stefan Bathe Baruch College, CUNY for the PHENIX collaboration 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20161 Heavy Ions.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Results from PHENIX Stefan Bathe Baruch College, CUNY for the PHENIX collaboration 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20161 Heavy Ions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Results from PHENIX Stefan Bathe Baruch College, CUNY for the PHENIX collaboration 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20161 Heavy Ions

2 Time evolution of heavy ion collision 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20162

3 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20163

4 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20164

5 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20165

6 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20166

7 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration Beam Energy Scan Critical point 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20167

8 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration Beam Energy Scan Critical point 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20168

9 Smallest QGP droplet 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP20169 PLB718 (2013) 795-814 What is the origin of the ridge in p+A?

10 Smallest QGP droplet 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201610 PLB718 (2013) 795-814 Bozek, PRC85 (2012) 014911 Dusling, Venugopalan, PRD87 (2013) 5, 054014 What is the origin of the ridge in p+A? Smallest QGP droplet? Disentangle initial state from viscosity

11 Geometry Engineering 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201611 Nagle et al., PRL 113, 112301 (2014), figure: Bjoern Schenke, NSAC Long Range Plan, 9/2015 initial state final state p+Au(2015) d+Au(2008) 3 He+Au(2014) hydro

12 Ridge in high-multiplicity 3 He+Au 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201612 PRL 115, 142301 (2015) 2-particle correlation between mid-rapidity track and backward (Au-going) charge separated by 3 units in pseudo-rapidity

13 v 2, v 3 theory comparison 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201613 Event-plane method mid-rapidity track, FVTX: -3<  <-1) PRL 115, 142301 (2015) AMPT (A Multi-Phase Transport Model), incoherent elastic parton- parton scatterings, underpredicts data at high p T Glauber+Hydro and IP Glasma+Hydro overpredict Best description with (super)SONIC: Glauber, viscous hydro, hadronic afterburner, (pre-flow) AMPT: arXiv:1501.06880 SONIC: arXiv:1502.04745 IP+Hydro:arXiv:1407:7557

14 v 2 system and theory comparison 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201614 Good description with SONIC (Glauber, viscous hydro, hadronic afterburner) for all three systems d+Au energy scan coming up this spring!

15 Energy loss in small systems? 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201615 Extend previous analysis in d+Au to higher p T by substituting mid-rapidity tracks with  0 s Normalize c 2 by c 1 as proxy for primordial multiplicity-related effects > 0.25: crest in CF -c 2 /c 1 < 0.25: trough in CF Crest extends to p T = 6 GeV/c in central d+Au Similar to high p T v 2 behavior in Au+Au

16 Jets in d+Au 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201616 minimum bias jets show no energy loss arXiv:1509.04657

17 Jets in d+Au 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201617 minimum bias jets show no energy loss Strong centrality dependence But different from that in Au+Au Explanation would be anti-correlation between hard and soft particle production arXiv:1509.04657

18 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration Beam Energy Scan Critical point 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201618

19 Direct photon spectrum 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201619 PRC 91, 064904 (2015) Photons do not interact strongly Carry information from entire space-time history External conversion method Extends previous measurement to lower p T Large exponential excess above pQCD photons Inverse slope of excess: T eff ≈ 240 MeV

20 Direct photon flow 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201620 Large direct photon v 2 observed (similar to hadrons) Large v 3 observed, no significant centrality dependence (similar to hadrons) arXiv:1509.07758

21 Example model comparison 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201621 Simultaneous description of large yield and large flow difficult Late emission important Shining sQGP Paquet, Shen, Denicol, Luzum, Schenke, Jeon, Gale, arXiv:1509.06738 Shen, Paquet, Heinz, Gale, PRCC 91, 014908 (2015) Gale, Hidaka, Jeon, Lin, Paquet, Pisarski, Satow, Skokov, Vujanovic, PRL 114, 072301 (2015) arXiv:1509.07758

22 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration Beam Energy Scan Critical point 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201622

23 PHENIX heavy flavor suppression 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201623 Discovery of large suppression and elliptic flow of single electrons from heavy flavor decays Expect less bottom suppression (dead cone effect) Separate charm and bottom! PRC84, 044905 (2011)

24 Barrel Silicon Vertex Detector 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201624 Silicon Vertex Detector provides precision measurement of Secondary decay vertex: Distance of Closest Approach (DCA) e+e+ e+e+ R (=bending radius) L (=distance) primary vertex primary vertex B0B0 B0B0 νeνe νeνe ΧcΧc ΧcΧc DCA resolution < 75  m DCA

25 Unfolding 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201625 Electron DCA and spectrum depends on hadron distribution, which is not known a priori: requires unfolding (Bayesian inference technique) Parent hadron distribution Decay matrix DCA distribution Electron spectrum Sample with Markov chain MC hadron probability distribution, b/c+b electron ratio hadron probability distribution, b/c+b electron ratio Calculate likelihood

26 Data comparison 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201626 Accepted in PRC, arXiv:1509.04662 (2015)

27 Data comparison 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201627 Unfold gives good consistency with DCA T and electron invariant yield Accepted in PRC, arXiv:1509.04662 (2015)

28 Unfolded hadron yields 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201628 Result of unfolding procedure is invariant yield of charm and bottom vs p T integrated over rapidity Result of unfolding procedure is invariant yield of charm and bottom Accepted in PRC, arXiv:1509.04662 (2015)

29 Unfolded hadron yields 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201629 Result of unfolding procedure is invariant yield of charm and bottom vs p T integrated over rapidity Result of unfolding procedure is invariant yield of charm and bottom Good agreement with STAR D 0 arXiv:1509.04662 (2015) Accepted in PRC, arXiv:1509.04662 (2015)

30 Bottom electron fraction 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201630 Accepted in PRC arXiv:1509.04662 (2015 ) Accepted in PRC arXiv:1509.04662 (2015 )

31 Bottom electron fraction 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201631 Enhancement above p+p measurements and FONLL at p T = 3-4 GeV/c Accepted in PRC arXiv:1509.04662 (2015 ) Accepted in PRC arXiv:1509.04662 (2015 )

32 Heavy Flavor R AA 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201632 Electrons from bottom less suppressed than those from charm for p T < 4 GeV/c Similarly suppressed for p T > 4 GeV/c Looking forward to 10 x statistics from 2014 run See talk by Hidemitsu Asano Accepted in PRC arXiv:1509.04662 (2015 ) Accepted in PRC arXiv:1509.04662 (2015 )

33 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration Beam Energy Scan Critical point 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201633

34 Dileptons 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201634 Accepted in PRC, arXiv:1509.04667 (2015) Moderate enhancement in low mass region Smaller than previous PHENIX result Consistent with STAR Consistent with  broadening Accepted for publication in PRC New measurement with Hadron Blind Detector Sub-percent understanding of background Neural networks for PID

35 Time evolution of heavy ion collision small systems smallest QGP droplet, equilibration, initial state, viscosity Heavy flavor energy loss QGP transport coefficient Direct photon spectra and flow Space-time evolution Dileptons Hadronization, chiral symmetry restoration Beam Energy Scan Critical point 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201635

36 Beam Energy Scan Lattice Cumulants of net charge distribution Monotonic ch ange of  b at constant T f arXiv:1506.07834 27—200 GeV T f = 162± 5 MeV

37 Beam Energy Scan Lattice Cumulants of net charge distribution Monotonic ch ange of  b at constant T f arXiv:1506.07834 27—200 GeV T f = 162± 5 GeV 7.7—200 GeV Energy density shows power law dependence on beam energy arXiv:1509.06727 E T scales better with N QP than with N part arXiv:1509.06727

38 Summary and Outlook 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201638 Strong evidence for collective motion in light-heavy ion collisions Constraints on initial state versus viscosity d+Au energy scan coming up Direct photons strongly constrain space-time evolution First measurement of bottom energy loss Bottom less suppressed than charm at 3—4 GeV/c Upcoming analysis of high statistics run Final HBD dilepton measurement Consistent with  broadening

39 A Large-Acceptance Jet and Υ Detector for RHIC (sPHENIX) 1/6/16Stefan Bathe, PHENIX Overview, HEP201639 Science case endorsed through Department of Energy review First constitutional collaboration meeting December 10-12, 2015, at Rutgers University

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