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SDM Center High-Performance Parallel I/O Libraries (PI) Alok Choudhary, (Co-I) Wei-Keng Liao Northwestern University In Collaboration with the SEA Group.

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Presentation on theme: "SDM Center High-Performance Parallel I/O Libraries (PI) Alok Choudhary, (Co-I) Wei-Keng Liao Northwestern University In Collaboration with the SEA Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDM Center High-Performance Parallel I/O Libraries (PI) Alok Choudhary, (Co-I) Wei-Keng Liao Northwestern University In Collaboration with the SEA Group (Group Leader, Rob Ross, ANL)

2 SDM Center Parallel NetCDF NetCDF defines: A portable file format A set of APIs for file access Parallel netCDF New APIs for parallel access Maintaining the same file format Tasks Built on top of MPI for portability and high performance Support C and Fortran interfaces Compute node network I/O Server I/O Server I/O Server Applications Client-side File System Parallel netCDF MPI-IO Compute node

3 SDM Center Parallel NetCDF - status Version 1.0.1 was released on Dec. 7, 2005 Web page receives 200 page views a day Supported platforms Linux Cluster, IBM SP, BG/L, SGI Origin, Cray X, NEC SX Two sets of parallel APIs High level APIs (mimicking the serial netCDF APIs) Flexible APIs (to utilize MPI derived datatype) Support for large files ( > 2GB files) Test suites Self test codes ported from Unidata netCDF package to validate against single-process results New data analysis APIs Basic statistical functions min, max, mean, median, variance, deviation

4 SDM Center Illustrative PnetCDF Users FLASH – astrophysical thermonuclear application from ASCI/Alliances center at university of Chicago ACTM – atmospheric chemical transport model, LLNL WRF – Weather Research and Forecast modeling system, NCAR WRF-ROMS – regional ocean model system I/O module from scientific data technologies group, NCSA ASPECT – data understanding infrastructure, ORNL pVTK – parallel visualization toolkit, ORNL PETSc – portable, extensible toolkit for scientific computation, ANL PRISM – PRogram for Integrated Earth System Modeling, users from C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe Ltd. ESMF – earth system modeling framework, national center for atmospheric research CMAQ – Community Multiscale Air Quality code I/O module, SNL More …

5 SDM Center PnetCDF Future Work Non-blocking I/O Built on top of non-blocking MPI-IO Improve data type conversion Type conversion while packing non-contiguous buffers Data analysis APIs Statistical functions Histogram functions Range query: regional sum, min, max, mean, … Data transformation: DFT, FFT Collaboration with application users

6 SDM Center MPI-IO Caching Client-side file caching Reduces client-server communication costs Enables write behind to better utilize network bandwidth Avoids file system locking overhead by aligning I/O with file block size (or stripe size) Prototype in ROMIO Collaborating caching by the group of MPI processes A complete caching subsystem in MPI library Data consistency and cache coherence control Distributed file locking Memory management for data caching, eviction, and migration Applicable for both MPI collective and independent I/O Two implementations Creating an I/O thread in each MPI process Using MPI RMA utility

7 SDM Center FLASH - I/O Benchmark The I/O kernel of FLASH application, a block-structured adaptive mesh hydrodynamics code Each process writes 80 cubes I/O through HDF5 Write-only operations The improvement is due to write behind 16x16x1632x32x32 np=161.15 GB9.13 GB np=322.30 GB18.26 GB np=644.60 GB36.53 GB

8 SDM Center BTIO Benchmark Block tri-diagonal array partitioning 40 MPI collective writes followed by 40 collective reads P 0,0 P 0,1 P 0,2 P 1,0 P 1,1 P 1,2 P 2,0 P 2,1 P 2,2 P 2,0 Local array is in 4D P 2,0 File view

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