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Warm Up in the 1800’s, pioneers moved westward seeking new land. Thomas Jefferson sent two major expeditions to explore the area west of the Mississippi.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up in the 1800’s, pioneers moved westward seeking new land. Thomas Jefferson sent two major expeditions to explore the area west of the Mississippi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up in the 1800’s, pioneers moved westward seeking new land. Thomas Jefferson sent two major expeditions to explore the area west of the Mississippi River. Speculate what it would be like to explore a new territory. 1. What challenges might you face? 2. What things might help you succeed? 3. How might you feel about the journey? 4. What do you think you would learn? After 5 minutes, you will turn and talk to discuss

2 Objective Students will be able to understand how France played a role in America moving west.

3 in 1800 the territory of the United States extended as far west as the Mississippi River. Areas west of the river, known as the Louisiana Territory, belonged to Spain or France. Who can locate the Mississippi River? Who can locate what belonged to what belong to America? Who can locate what area belonged to Spain?

4 The Louisiana Territory was an enormous area of land, and most of its northern boundaries remained undefined. Why might American settlers want to travel out west onto this territory? (Turn and talk) Americans moved out west for land and adventure.

5 Many farmers made a long and exhausting journey over the Appalachian Mountains. Pioneers had to travel along rough muddy roads, and cut their way through thick forests. How might you feel now about this journey knowing what you have just heard? (Turn and talk)

6 The pioneers loaded their goods in wagons, and traveled with two key possessions, rifles and axes. They used rifles to hunt for food, and axes to cut through the dense forests. Many pioneers set up along the Mississippi river, so they could use the river to transport their goods to market.

7 You will be presented with a map and be asked to locate the Mississippi River. Students will be asked to locate New Orleans. As a class, we will answer the following: (Page 267) 1. Who claimed the Louisiana Territory? 2. Infer where you think pioneers tended to settle? Why? 3. Why was New Orleans an important city to settlers?

8 Independent Practice Read a passage titled, “The French Threat” and answer the following comprehension questions: (Page 273) 1.How did the Spanish change their policy in 1802? 1.Why did they make this change? 3.How did Jefferson react to the news? 4. What did he do in response?

9 Group Work Write a journal entry describing the travels of a pioneer heading west. Include who you are, why you are going, when you are going (year), what you are encountering on their trip, and where their destination is. Each member of the group will be assigned a different color writing utensil.

10 Exit Ticket Respond to the following on a post it note, and hand in on the way out of class. Explain why French control of the Louisiana Territory worried Jefferson.

11 Homework Read a passage titled, “Napoleon and Santo Domingo” and answer comprehension questions.

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