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By Trevor card.  Scientific Name: Canis lupus  The gray wolf is found in the Mexico, United States.

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Presentation on theme: "By Trevor card.  Scientific Name: Canis lupus  The gray wolf is found in the Mexico, United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Trevor card

2  Scientific Name: Canis lupus  The gray wolf is found in the Mexico, United States

3  The habitat is any where they can find food like the tundra, eastern woodlands, and in the arctic.

4 Life history  Diet: Carnivore  Size: Head and body, 36 to 63 in Tail, 13 to 20 in  Housing requirements: caves, dens, and holes in the ground  Climate requirements: cooled  Relationship with other animals: Predator  They are pack animals

5 Why Endangered  over hunting  Habit destruction

6 Quiz  Where do they live  Why are they endangered  Are they pack animals  How long are they tails  What do they live in

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