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Wilbur and Orville Wright

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1 Wilbur and Orville Wright
by seaira miller 6th grade Wilbur and Orville Wright

2 Wilbur Wright ​ Born in Indiana in 1867, Wilbur Wright was the elder brother of Orville Wright, with whom he developed the world's first successful airplane. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers succeeded in making the first free, controlled flight of a power-driven airplane. An extraordinary achievement, Wilbur flew the plane for 59 seconds over a distance of 852 feet. Today, the Wright brothers are regarded as the "fathers of modern aviation." Wilbur Wright died in Dayton, Ohio, on May 30, 1912.Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana, the middle child in a family of five children. His father, Milton Wright, was a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. His mother was Susan Catherine Koerner Wright. As a child, Wilbur's playmate was his younger brother, Orville, born in 1871. ​

3 Milton Wright's preaching took him on the road frequently, and he often brought back small toys for his children. In 1878 he brought back a small model helicopter for his boys. Made of cork, bamboo and paper, and powered by a rubber band to twirl its blades, the model was based on a design by the French aeronautical pioneer Alphonse Pénaud. Fascinated by the toy and its mechanics, Wilbur and Orville would develop a lifelong love of aeronautics and flying.  Wilbur was a bright and studious child, and excelled in school. His personality was outgoing and robust, and he made plans to attend Yale University after high school. In the winter of , an accident changed the course of Wilbur's life. He was badly injured in an ice hockey game, when another player's stick hit him in the face.  Though most of his injuries healed, the incident plunged Wilbur into a depression. He did not receive his high school diploma, canceled plans for college and retreated to his family’s home. Wilbur spent much of this period at home, reading books in his family’s library, and caring for his ailing mother. Susan Koerner Wright died in 1889 of tuberculosis. 

4 In 1889 the brothers started their own newspaper, the West Side News
In 1889 the brothers started their own newspaper, the West Side News. Wilbur edited the paper and Orville was the publisher. The brothers also shared a passion for bicycles—a new craze that was sweeping the country. In 1892, Wilbur and Orville opened a bike shop, fixing bicycles and later selling their own designs.Wilbur and Orville headed to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, known for its strong winds.  Wilbur and Orville set to work trying to figure out how to design wings for flight. They observed that birds angled their wings for balance and control, and tried to emulate this, developing a concept called "wing warping." The Wright brothers found the magic formula when they added a moveable rudder, and on December 17, 1903, they succeeded in flying the first free, controlled flight of a power-driven airplane. An extraordinary achievement, Wilbur flew the plane for 59 seconds over a distance of 852

5 Videos about Wilbur wright With out his brother Orville Wright

6 Orville Wright Born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1871, Orville Wright and his elder brother, Wilbur Wright, were the inventors of the world's first successful airplane. The brothers successfully conducted the first free, controlled flight of a power-driven airplane on December 17, They subsequently became successful businessmen, filling contracts for airplanes in both Europe and the United States. Today, the Wright brothers are considered the "fathers of modern aviation." Orville is also known for developing technology for the U.S. Army. He died in Dayton on January 30, 1948. Orville Wright was born on August 19, 1871, in Dayton, Ohio, one of five children of Susan Catherine Koerner, and Milton Wright, a bishop in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ.

7 As a child, Orville Wright was a mischievous and curious boy, and his family encouraged his intellectual development. "We were lucky enough to grow up in an environment where there was always much encouragement to children to pursue intellectual interests; to investigate whatever aroused curiosity," Orville later wrote in his memoir.  Milton Wright traveled often for his church work, and in 1878, he brought home a toy helicopter for his boys. Based on an invention by French aeronautical pioneer Alphonse Pénaud, it was made of cork, bamboo and paper, and used a rubber band to twirl its twin blades. Orville and his brother were fascinated by the toy, and a lifelong passion for aeronautics was born.  The Wright family moved to Richmond, Indiana, in In Richmond, Orville developed a love of kites, and soon began making his own at home. By 1884, the family was back in Ohio, where Orville enrolled at Dayton Central High School. Never especially studious, Orville was more interested in hobbies outside the classroom than school, and, thusly, dropped out of high school during his senior year and opened a print shop. Having worked in a print shop over the summer, he quickly went to work designing his own printing press for the shop. In 1889, Orville began publishing the West Side News, a weekly West Dayton newspaper. Wilbur served as the paper's editor.  That same year, tragedy struck the Wright family. That same year, tragedy struck the Wright family. Orville's mother, Susan Catherine Koerner Wright, died after suffering a long bout of tuberculosis. With her mother gone, Orville's sister Katharine took on the responsibilities of maintaining the household. The bond between Orville, Katharine and Wilbur was a strong one, and the siblings would remain a close trio throughout the rest of their lives. Orville vaccationed every summer on his Island in Georgia. His uncle Herb would drive a boat on Orville's island in Georgia

8 Birthdate and death date

9 Wilbur Wright-Born in Indiana in 1867, Wilbur Wright was the elder brother of Orville Wright, with whom he developed the world's first successful airplane.Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, near Millville, Indiana, the middle child in a family of five children. His father, Milton Wright. Wilbur Wright fell ill on a trip to Boston in April After being diagnosed with typhoid fever, he died on May 30, 1912, at his family home in Dayton, Ohio.  Milton Wright wrote later about his son in his diary: "A short life, full of consequences. An unfailing intellect, imperturbable temper, great self-reliance and as great modesty, seeing the right clearly, pursuing it steadfastly, he lived and died." 

10 orvilleWright- born on August 19, 1871, in Dayton, Ohio, one of five children of Susan Catherine Koerner, and Milton Wright, died on In 1912, Wilbur died of typhoid fever. Without his brother and business partner, Orville was forced to take on the presidency of the Wright company. Unlike his brother, though, he cared little for the business side of their work, and, thusly, sold the company in 1915.  Later Life and Death  Orville Wright spent the last three decades of his life serving on boards and committees related to aeronautics, including the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, predecessor to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. He cut off communication with his sister, Katharine, when she married in Neither Orville nor Wilbur ever married, and he was greatly upset by his sister's choice. In 1929, he had to be persuaded to visit Katharine at her deathbed.  On January 30, 1948, Orville died after suffering a second heart attack. He is buried at the Wright family plot in Dayton, Ohio

11 “We were lucky enough to grow up in an environment where there was always much encouragement to children to pursue intellectual interests; to investigate whatever aroused curiosity.” —Orville quotes “The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who ... looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space ... on the infinite highway of the air.” “It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.” —Wilbur Wright

12 Wright The machine was launched entirely through the power of the motor and the thrust of the propellers.  Orville Wright  Now, there are two ways of learning how to ride a fractious horse: one is to get on him and learn by actual practice how each motion and trick may be best met; the other is to sit on a fence and watch the beast awhile, and then retire to the house and at leisure figure out the best way of overcoming his jumps and kicks. The latter system is the safest; but the former, on the whole, turns out the larger proportion of good riders. It is very much the same in learning to ride a flying machine; if you are looking for perfect safety you will do well to sit on a fence and watch the birds; but if you really wish to learn you must mount a machine and become acquainted with its tricks by actual trial.  Wilbur Wright 

13 Quick facts about the wright brothers

14 Education Dayton Central High School Place of Birth Dayton, Ohio
Orville Wright Occupation Inventor Birth Date August 19, 1871 Death Date January 30, 1948 Education Dayton Central High School Place of Birth Dayton, Ohio Place of Death Dayton, Ohio Full Name Nickname "Father of Modern Aviation" quick facts Wilbur Wright Occupation Inventor Birth Date April 16, 1867 Death Date May 30, 1912 Place of Birth Near Millville, Indiana Place of Death Dayton, Ohio Full Name Wilbur Wright Nickname "Father of Modern Aviation"

15 Accomplished

16 The Wright Brothers accomplished the first airplane to fly around the world.
They tested the airplane 

17 Wilbur and Orville Wright biography

18 the wright brothers together
this is there plane there house in Dayton Ohio where there mom and dad and the wright brothers grew up at

19 Wilbur and Orville in front of the plane when they were 17yrs old
poem by Wilbur Wright Wilbur and Orville in front of the plane when they were 17yrs old Wilbur and Orville when they were 17yrs old

20 their first flight the wright brothers mom and dad
Sister Katherine at school

21 Wilbur wrights grave


23 Orville Wrights grave site

24 Wilbur and Orville wright had five to six other brother and sisters
Ida died when she was only 1-2mth and 12days old Otis died 1mth and 7days old Katherine died when she was 54 Lorene died when she was 75 years old Reuchlin Wright died when he was 95

25 Summary Wilbur and Orville's mother died when the where around thirteen . Sister Katherine took over the house. One day they were playing they got the idea to build a plane . it was the first plane to stay in air.

26 book 1:Orville and Wilbur Reynolds Quentin March 6th
bibliography page none listed uploaded Jun 22,2010 DVD book 1:Orville and Wilbur Reynolds Quentin March 6th Uploaded on Jun 9, 2009 DVD . none listed.DVD. none listed

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