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Napoleon and the Restoration

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1 Napoleon and the Restoration

2 Rise to power 1789 – French Revolution begins
1792 – France declares itself republic 1793 – Louis XVI beheaded

3 Napoleon in France Born in Corsica Strengthened French Army
1799 seized control of France 1804 – Declared himself Emperor

4 “Napoleon” complex 1812- failed attempt at invading Russia, forced to retreat 1814 – Abdicated as Emperor and sent to exile at Elba

5 First Restoration Louis XVIII ascends to the throne
Royalists vs. Bonapartists Bonaparte sympathizers are seen as criminals Beginning of Count of Monte Cristo

6 Napoleon’s Escape, Waterloo, and the Second Restoration
Feb 26, 1815-Napoleon escapes Elba Louis XVIII flees Wellington defeats Napoleon at Waterloo in June, 1815 Sent back into exile at St. Helena until he died in 1821 Louis XVIII returns to throne, being a Bonapartist is dangerous again.

7 Something to Think About
What must it have been like to have a political affiliation during this time? What would you do to remain safe when you were unsure who would rule from one day to the next? What do you imagine should happen if you were sent to jail under Louis XVIII for being a Bonapartist, but Bonaparte came back? What about the reverse?

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