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Singular Nouns A singular noun names one person, place, or thing. The boy saw a bird at the beach. Can you name all of the singular nouns in that sentence?

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Presentation on theme: "Singular Nouns A singular noun names one person, place, or thing. The boy saw a bird at the beach. Can you name all of the singular nouns in that sentence?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Singular Nouns A singular noun names one person, place, or thing. The boy saw a bird at the beach. Can you name all of the singular nouns in that sentence?

3 Plural Nouns A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing. The boys watched the birds eat on the dunes. Can you name all of the plural nouns in that sentence?

4 Making Words Plural Add –s to form the plural of most nouns. Add –es to form the plural of nouns ending in s, x, ch, or sh. SingularPlural boyboys busbuses boxboxes dishdishes beachbeaches

5 Making Words Plural Now think of your own nouns. Let’s use the rule we just learned to make them plural! SingularPlural

6 Practicing Singular and Plural Nouns Let’s do the “Guided Practice” together as a class. On your own: #6-20 Come see Miss C. if you have any questions.

7 Extension Activity Fold your paper into eighths. On the top row write and illustrate singular nouns. On the bottom row write and illustrate the corresponding plural nouns. Try to think of words that use both –s and –es.

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