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NPM annual report Strasbourg, November 09. Content of the presentation  1. Obligation to produce an annual report  2. Who is the target audience? 

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Presentation on theme: "NPM annual report Strasbourg, November 09. Content of the presentation  1. Obligation to produce an annual report  2. Who is the target audience? "— Presentation transcript:

1 NPM annual report Strasbourg, November 09

2 Content of the presentation  1. Obligation to produce an annual report  2. Who is the target audience?  3. Objectives of the NPM annual report  4. Structure and content of a NPM annual report  5. Format of a NPM annual report

3 1. Obligation to produce a NPM annual report  NPM has to produce an annual report  State has to publish and disseminate the NPM annual report (Article 23 OPCAT)  SPT guidelines regarding the NPM of the Maldives: « (j) Publish and disseminate annual reports »

4 2. Who is the target audience?  Relevant authorities  Parliament  Persons deprived of their liberty  Other stakeholders  Media  Public in general  SPT? (issue of translation)

5 3. Objectives of the NPM annual report  To make the NPM visible and accountable  To inform about the activities and functioning of the NPM  To identify and analyse key issues on torture prevention  To propose recommendations  To measure progress (or lack of)  To establish and sustain an on-going dialogue with the relevant authorities

6 4. Structure and content of a NPM annual  1. Introduction  2. Executive summary  3. Compilation of Recommendations  4. Chapter I – Functioning of the NPM  5. Chapter II - Analysis of torture prevention at the national level  6. Chapter III – Follow-up  7. Annexes - Visits reports? - Others? - Issue of confidentiality

7 4. Structure and content of a NPM annual report: Chapter I – Functioning of the NPM  Internal organisation  Resources (human, financial, logistical)  Working methods  Activities: visits, reports, recommendations  Relations with the authorities and other actors

8 4. Structure and content of a NPM annual report: Chapter II – Analysis of torture prevention at the national level Content:  Thematic issues  Categories of places of deprivation of liberty  Authorities in charge of the places of deprivation of liberty Structure:  Findings  Analysis (legal framework, best practices, 5 levels of analysis?)  Recommendations

9 4. Structure and content – Chapter III: Follow-up  Implementation of recommandations  Evaluation of progress in general

10 5. Format of the NPM annual report  A separate report (when part of an existing institution)  A consolidated report (when several NPMs)  Accessibility  Length  Language and translation  Tone  Pictures?

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