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Latin American Vocab. MESTIZO Person of mixed native and European ancestry.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin American Vocab. MESTIZO Person of mixed native and European ancestry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin American Vocab


3 Person of mixed native and European ancestry


5 Trade agreement between USA, Canada and Mexico that lowered tariffs and increased trade.

6 Maquiladoras

7 Foreign owned assembly factories in Mexico

8 Futbol

9 Soccer

10 Campesinos

11 Poor farmers that migrate to the cities

12 Indigenous

13 Native person of a area

14 Llanos

15 Fertile lands in inland areas of Colombia and Venezuela

16 Canopy

17 Top layer of a rainforest

18 Quipu

19 Knotted cords of various lengths and colors used by the Inca to keep financial records

20 Cordilleras

21 Parallel chains or ranges of mountains

22 Gaucho

23 The cowhands (cowboys) of Argentina and Uruguay

24 Chinampas

25 Floating gardens or farming islands made by the Aztec

26 Isolated

27 Separated from other areas

28 Pampas

29 Grassy, treeless plains of southern South America (Argentina and Uruguay)

30 Tierra Templada

31 Temperate land, the middle altitude zone of the Latin American highland climates

32 Tierra Fria

33 Cold land. The highest altitude zone in Latin America

34 Tierra Caliente

35 Hot land. The lowest altitude zone in Latin America

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