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XML Exchange – the future of moving data. Purpose… Moving product data to Retail portal. Moving product data from one WERCS database to another Moving.

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Presentation on theme: "XML Exchange – the future of moving data. Purpose… Moving product data to Retail portal. Moving product data from one WERCS database to another Moving."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML Exchange – the future of moving data

2 Purpose… Moving product data to Retail portal. Moving product data from one WERCS database to another Moving substance data from WERCS database to IUCLID5 database.

3 CARP Requirement… Customer has to have account with CARP. Wercs database should have product data available. Product has to have published PDF Document in American English (EN) language.

4 Login Screen Portal user credentials to logon to the system.

5 SubSection Mapping Screen For example, CARP Portal requires ~40 subsections with information from WERCS database. For that reason before using this application all 40 subsections should be mapped.

6 Export Option Screen This screen will allow you to specify a document format and subformat to be sent with the product data.

7 Product Group Selection Screen Select product group from the list. After selecting click prepare for export this will build the product required by portal.

8 Product Export Summary Screen While constructing the product data for export, if the product has any missing required data or missing phrase mapping it will provide the link to fix the mapping.

9 Missing Component Screen If product has a component which is not in portal an ‘equivalent’ component can be selected to send with product.

10 Missing Phrase mapping Screen If product has a phrase which is not mapped, this screen will allow you to map one. Once this phrase is mapped then mapping will be stored.

11 Select Portal Phrase to mapped

12 Export Summary After Mapping Once all the component and phrase mapping is done and product has valid document to send, Status will be displayed as “ready to send”

13 Export Summary after validating at Portal All the products which are ‘ready to send’ status will be revalidated at Portal for data and other requirements.

14 Validation summary at portal This screen will display errors when validating the product at the portal. Product can be exported (with some errors) and after export, errors can be fixed before submitting product.

15 Product after Exporting Once product is exported and product has some validation errors then it will display link “Fix Errors” Upon clicking this link portal screen will be open navigating to the first page where an error occurred.

16 Validation summary at Portal Using this screen the product data can be updated for errors directly within the portal site.

17 Upon successful export After all the errors are fixed, then export status will be exported and validation status will be ‘No Errors’.

18 Action after export Once a product has been successfully exported to the portal, user has to login to portal for final submission of product for assessment.

19 Other uses of XML Exchange For years we have been extolling the virtues of XML-based data exchanges, now it is a reality. –Other portals –CIDX project –IUCLID5 –Inter-company data exchange

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