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1500 - 1700. 2:1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas 1. Conquistadors 2. Montezuma 3. Hernando Cortes 4. Cortes’ interest in Aztec empire… 5. Aztec’s saw Cortes.

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Presentation on theme: "1500 - 1700. 2:1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas 1. Conquistadors 2. Montezuma 3. Hernando Cortes 4. Cortes’ interest in Aztec empire… 5. Aztec’s saw Cortes."— Presentation transcript:

1 1500 - 1700

2 2:1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas 1. Conquistadors 2. Montezuma 3. Hernando Cortes 4. Cortes’ interest in Aztec empire… 5. Aztec’s saw Cortes as…. 6. Factors that helped Spaniards conquered Aztec:

3 7. Cortez called the capitol of this New Spain… 8. mestizo - –PENINSULARES –MESTIZOS –CREOLES –MULATTOES

4 9. Juan Ponce de Leon 10. St. Augustine, FL 11. Some resistance to the Spanish Spanish Armada- Defeated by English Seadogs opened the way for rest of Europe to venture into Americas.


6 2:2 An English settlement @ Jamestown Obj: Identify the obstacles facing the first English settlers in North America 1. Who funded Spanish colonies? 2. English colonies were originally funded by Joint-stock companies -several investors put $ together to jointly support colony

7 3. 1606,King James I of England granted a Charter- To the Virginia company whose ships landed in an area that Explorer Sir Walter Raleigh named after Queen Elizabeth I..(“Virgin Queen) 1607, they settled along a river they named after King James, calling it…

8 4. Read a “disastrous start” and list factors that contributed to the near failure of Jamestown. Powhatan 5. The starving colonist found to eat: Shoe leather? What happened to John Smith?

9 6. Brown Gold 7. Indentured Servants 8. Difference b/t Indentured servants and slaves: 9. House of Burgesses

10 2:3 Puritan New England *Where is New England? 1. Puritans- Church members who wanted to “purify” or reform the Church of England (Anglican) from with in. 2. Separatists- (Pilgrims) wanted to “separate” themselves from Anglican church, fled England to escape religious persecution….

11 *see p. 50 Mayflower Compact, Thanksgiving (1621) *p.52 Puritan laws etc.. 3. Roger Williams founded Colony of Rhode Island due to separation of Church and State (religious freedom) 4. Anne Hutchinson- dissenter that was banished from Puritan VA. (see readings)


13 2:4 Settlement of Middle Colonies 1. Proprietor 2. Quakers (William Penn)- believed that God’s “inner light” burned inside everyone 3. By 1752, 13 British Colonies in North America were set up, but a growing desire for independence soon put a strain on their relationship with England

14 Geography Spotlight pg. 60-61 The United States is a federal union of 50 states. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the fourth largest country by total area, and the third largest both by land area and population.


16 SUMMARY WRITE OUT TO TURN IN Explain what the Spanish explorers found when they reached central Mexico and how the natives living there reacted to the invaders. Think about: *Aztec capital city *Spanish desire for Gold *Montezuma’s view of Cortes * reasons for native rebellion *fate of Aztec empire

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