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Learning Target: I can analyze the Amendments to the Bill of Rights to interpret scenarios where rights are violated.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Target: I can analyze the Amendments to the Bill of Rights to interpret scenarios where rights are violated."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Target: I can analyze the Amendments to the Bill of Rights to interpret scenarios where rights are violated.

2 Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18)

3 Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) 1.Why were the Third and Fourth Amendments matters of great importance to Americans when the Bill of Rights was written?

4 Directions: You have been hired as a public defender. Your job is to help those who cannot afford an attorney defend themselves. Read each situation below very carefully. Next use the handout “Bill of Rights” you were given to write a 3-4 sentence statement from a lawyer explaining which Amendment was violated and why. Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18)

5 Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) 1. Arturo was stopped by a police officer on his way home from school. The police officer wanted to search Arturo’s backpack because he heard a teenage boy had just robbed the candy store on the corner. Arturo said to the officer, “Do you have a warrant?” The officer said, “no.” Tigran informed the officer that he could not search his bag because it violated his rights. Which Amendment was violated when Arturo was stopped by police?

6 The Public Defender Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) Agenda  Do Now (7)  Independent (10)  Model (7)  Independent (18) Independently read each scenario and write a statement defending which amendment was violated and why.

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