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Government Types – 1920’s to World War 2. Post World War One The world was in turmoil after World War One. Economies across Europe were shattered, and.

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1 Government Types – 1920’s to World War 2

2 Post World War One The world was in turmoil after World War One. Economies across Europe were shattered, and the governments were unable to immediately fix the problems. The people were desperate for change! Due to the SEVERE economic problems, new types of governments came to power: – COMMUNISM and FASCISM

3 Communism political and economic system in which the major productive resources in a society—such as mines, factories, and farms—are owned by the public or the state, and wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need. GOVERNMENT controls ALL aspects of your life.

4 Communism Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union. He was a brutal leader, eliminating his political enemies without trial. He used the KGB (the Soviet secret police) to control the Soviet people. The economy was controlled exclusively in Moscow – told everyone what to make, how much, and when to make it.

5 Fascism a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictator. severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. – Use secret police to control population

6 Imperial Japan The Japanese military controlled all aspects of civilian life. The Japanese Emperor (Hirito) was believed to be a god by the Japanese people and culture. The military controlled production, schools, culture. The individual was not important – the state was most important – you were to sacrifice for the emperor.

7 Fascist Italy In 1922, Mussolini used his “black shirts” to take control of the country. He promised the Italian people to bring back Italian glory – bring back the Roman Empire. Promised to end unemployment – he did it by putting the men into the military. Was brutal, and killed his enemies with no trial.

8 Nazi Germany The Nazi Party was controlled by Adolf Hitler. Hitler tried to take over the government in 1922, but failed (Munich Beer Hall Putsch). He spent 9 months in jail for this action. In 1933, the Nazis took over the government. Hitler used the “Gestapo” (Nazi secret police) to control the German people.

9 Capitalism A way of organizing an economy so that the things that are used to make and transport products (such as land, oil, factories, ships, etc.) are owned by individual people and companies rather than by the government. INDIVIDUALS own the property and businesses.

10 United Kingdom (England) Parliamentary Monarchy – They have 2 houses of legislature (House of Commons & Lords) Monarchy (King/Queen) is a figurehead Parliament Elects the Prime Minister, who then selects his cabinet. – He runs the nation, not the monarch. Modified Free Market system

11 United States of America Three branches of Government – Legislative (elected; House of Representatives and Senate) – Executive (Elected; President) – Judicial (Supreme Court) Executive Branch controls the police and the military, but the Legislative controls the FINANCES for them. System designed to control each branch by the other two branches.

12 Communism & Fascism Similarities Both use secret police to control the population. Both are TOTALITARIAN governments. – The government controls almost (or all) aspects of population’s lives. Both heavily use PROPAGANDA to control the will and emotions of their people. Both repress the rights of the citizens.

13 Communism & Fascism Differences Communism pushes for all individuals to part of a machine. – Emotional domination Communism does not believe the individual has worth, except as part of the whole. Communism does not allow you to choose your profession, they tell you where to live and work – you have no choice.

14 Communism & Fascism Differences Fascism makes you part of the machine, machine is weaker without you. – Emotional manipulation Fascism believes you have worth only in conjunction as part of serving the state. Fascism allows you to choose your profession – as long as you are serving the needs of the state and following their laws.




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