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The Fifth Period Listening. If you are a reporter, who is the first one that you want to interview? Why? Jay ZhouYang Liwei Li Jiacheng Yao Ming.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fifth Period Listening. If you are a reporter, who is the first one that you want to interview? Why? Jay ZhouYang Liwei Li Jiacheng Yao Ming."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fifth Period Listening

2 If you are a reporter, who is the first one that you want to interview? Why? Jay ZhouYang Liwei Li Jiacheng Yao Ming

3 If you have a chance to interview Yao Ming, what question will you ask him?

4 A. This is about a young man who is refused an interview with Yao Ming. Choose the correct summary B. This is about a young man who is trying to arrange an interview with Yao Ming. C. This is about a young man who wants to ask Yao Ming about how to work abroad.

5 1.Why does Zhou Yang want to interview Yao Ming? 2.What are his fans worried about? 3.When is Yao Ming going to talk to Zhou Yang? 4.What is Yao Ming’s intention at the moment? Answer the questions He wants to interview him about his decision to go abroad and work. His fans are worried that they will not see him in the flesh. Yao Ming will talk to Zhou Yang on Wednesday at 12 o’clock. Yao Ming’s intention is to learn more about tennis and return to China.

6 As a reporter, who do you want to interview? Make an appointment with him or her. The following phrases may help you. Shall we make an appointment? How about…? When are you free? When do you think is convenient for you? Is it possible to…? I shall be busy at …and…but I can be free.. Where is the best place? Maybe we can meet at…

7 Day Monday Thursday Yesterday Time 2 pm 6 am 6 pm Place home radio station BBC TV station Listen carefully to the tape and tick the correct day, time and place.

8 Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions. 1.Why did Greg have to go to the radio station and not use his home telephone? 2.Give two reasons why Greg was anxious. Use sentences not phrases. 3.How are the windows of the house described? 4.How did Greg know the house was empty? 5.How did he feel when the man appeared and opened the studio? He had to go to the BBC radio station because the sound effects are better there. He was anxious because he wondered if he had got the right day or the right time. The window are described as dark. They are like large, tired eyes. Greg knew the house was empty because the bell echoed through empty rooms. He felt very relieved when the man appeared next to him.

9 Think of as many practical situations as you can, where being “on the spot” is very important to understanding what is happening.

10 Report Form Name of officer: Li DaDate: 05 /08 /12 Where was it?What was it? What happened?What started it? Eyewitness account:Evidence: You conclusion:Reason: Signed: Beijing, China Fight after a football match Fighting broke out between fans supporting the two teams. When the police arrived it was impossible to tell. There was an eyewitness. Fred Smith says he saw the Turkish supporters throw bricks at the British supporters first. Then it developed into a serious fight with everyone involved. Fred Smith’s eyewitness account and his photographs. It was started by the Turkish supporters. The British fans were not in the wrong. Fred Smith’s photographs support his idea that the Turkish fans started the fight. Li Da

11 Write a dialogue: Make an appointment with your best friend for a dinner at the weekend.

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