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1 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The broader context The implementation of INSPIRE needs to consider the broader context of existing initiatives which.

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Presentation on theme: "1 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The broader context The implementation of INSPIRE needs to consider the broader context of existing initiatives which."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The broader context The implementation of INSPIRE needs to consider the broader context of existing initiatives which could contribute to ESDI The INSPIRE Work Programme should interface with those partnerships and initiatives where relevant and establish synergy SDIC bundle the human expertise of users, producers and transformers of spatial information, technical competence, financial resources and policies Many SDIC exist today, generally organised by region, thematic issue or sector (industry). concept of Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDIC)

2 2 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 SDIC/LMOs: possible roles in INSPIRE development SDIC/LMOs: possible roles in INSPIRE development collect and describe user requirements, submit/develop reference materials allocate experts to the drafting teams, participate in the review process, implement pilot projects –to test/revise/develop the draft Implementing Rules make cost/benefit analysis –to assess costs of the draft Implementing Rules contribute to awareness raising and training

3 3 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Environmental Application Areas of LMOs

4 4 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Environmental Application Areas of SDICs

5 5 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 INSPIRE 2005-07 Working programme Detailed Action Plan 11th EC-GIS workshop 29/6/2005 Alghero Alessandro Annoni (*) Hans Dufourmont (**)(***) Daniele Rizzi (**) (*) Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability (**) Eurostat E4 Structural Funds (***) SNE GIS-Vlaanderen

6 6 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 GI Institutional framework GI technical standards Spatial Information Services Basis GI data sets ESDI Concept

7 7 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 From Commission proposal to Directive implementation –Preparatory phase (2005-2006) Co-decision procedure Preparation of Implementing Rules –Transposition phase (2007-2008) Directive enters into force Transposition into national legislation INSPIRE Committee starts activities Adoption of first set of implementation rules –Implementation phase (2009-2013) implementation and monitoring of measures Adoption of second set of Implementing Rules

8 8 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 INSPIRE requirements Mileston e* MilestoneDescription 2007XEntry into force of INSPIRE Directive 2007+3mX+3monthsEstablishment of the INSPIRE Committee 2007 X+1 year at the latest Adoption of Implementing Rules for the creation and up- dating of the metadata Adoption of Implementing Rules for network services Adoption of Implementing Rules on third parties use of the upload services Adoption of Implementing Rules for monitoring and reporting Adoption of Implementing Rules governing access and rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies 2009 X+2 years at the latest Adoption of Implementing Rules for the use of spatial data sets and services by third parties 2009X+2 years Adoption of Implementing Rules for harmonised spatial data specifications and for the exchange of Annex I spatial data 2009X+2 yearsProvisions of Directive are brought into force in MS (transposition date) 2009X+2 yearsDesignation of responsible public authorities for spatial data sets and services 2009X+2 years Implementation of sharing framework of spatial data sets and services between public bodies 2009X+2 yearsImplementation of provisions on monitoring 2009X+2 yearsNetwork services are operational 2010X+3 years Metadata available for spatial data corresponding to Annex I and Annex II spatial data 2010X+3 years Member States’ First Report to the Commission. From then onwards MS have to present reports every 3 years 2011X+4 New or updated spatial data sets available in accordance with Implementing Rules for harmonised spatial data specifications and exchange for Annex I spatial data 2012X+5 Adoption of Implementing Rules for harmonised spatial data specifications and for the exchange of Annex II and Annex III spatial data 2013X+6Metadata available for Annex III spatial data 2014X+7 New or updated spatial data sets available in accordance with Implementing Rules for harmonised spatial data specifications and exchange for Annex II and Annex III spatial data 2014X+7 Commission’s report to the EP and the Council. From then onwards the Commission has to present reports every 6 years

9 9 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Implementing Rules should satisfy the needs of many different uses of spatial data addressed within the directive, in applications where typically several different types of spatial data are combined. Stakeholders will therefore have their role to play in the collaborative framework leading to these Implementing Rules. bottom-up approach

10 10 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Metadata 1/2 Objectives To draft IR on content and structure of metadata for spatial data & services Scope –Rules for creation, maintenance and updating –Multilingualism –Certification, Quality, Accuracy –Thesauri as common vocabulary for metadata content –Standards to be followed for publishing

11 11 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Metadata 2/2 D 1.1 Detailed INSPIRE definitions on content and structure of metadata for spatial data T + 4 D 1.2 Survey of existing initiatives and solutions for content and structure of metadata for spatial data T + 5 D 1.3 Draft Implementing Rules for metadata for spatial data (including the draft core metadata element set) for reviewing T + 6 D 1.4Draft rules for extending the INSPIRE core profileT + 9 D 1.5 Final draft Implementing Rules for metadata for spatial data (includes core metadata element set and extension rules). T + 24

12 12 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Data specs & harmonisation 1/2 Objectives –To draft IR for harmonised data specifications –To draft IR on the arrangements for the exchange of spatial data Scope –Definition of the conceptual model including Geometrical and topological and temporal representations Spatial and temporal relations Semantics Unique identifiers Reference to a common reference systems including spatial and temporal reference systems as well as multilingual thesauri –Guidelines on the use of the conceptual model and its related methodology to develop spatial data specifications –Generalisation rules –Encoding (to support exchange of spatial data)

13 13 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Data specs & harmonisation 2/2 D 2.1 Detailed high Level INSPIRE definition on harmonised data specifications and arrangements for the exchange of spatial data T + 4 D 2.2 Survey of existing initiatives at European, national and sub-national levels, covering Conceptual Models and Methodologies used to develop specifications for Annex Data T + 7 D 2.3Definition of Annex I/II/III Themes and scopeT + 7 D 2.4 Comparative review of existing National and European Conceptual Models and Methodologies to develop specifications for Annex data T + 9 D 2.5First draft version of the Conceptual Model (generic aspects)T + 12 D 2.6First draft Methodologies to develop specifications for Annex DataT + 15 D 2.7 First draft of Implementing Rules on the arrangements for the exchange of spatial data T + 18 D 2.8 First version of the Conceptual Model(s) (generic aspects) and Methodologies to develop specifications for Annex data T + 18 D 2.9 Reports on the impact assessment of the conceptual model as a basis for Annex I data specifications T + 24

14 14 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Network services & interoperability 1/2 Objectives –To draft IR for network services and to develop the prototype of the EU Geo-portal Scope –This activity will define the functional and non functional requirements of the INSPIRE Network Services –network services must be accessible through a EU geo-portal, therefore the geo-portal software architecture shall enforce the inter-operability with the Member States network. In particular the following issues will be addressed: General architectural model Security (access to the service and data transfer) when applicable Multilingualism as requested by INSPIRE. Metadata for services Compliancy with services metadata and impact Technical architectures and protocols End-users' needs.

15 15 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Network services & interoperability 2/2 D3.1D3.1 Detailed definitions on the INSPIRE Network Services and the EU Geo-portal T + 4 D3.2D3.2 Survey on existing initiatives and solutionsT + 6 D3.3D3.3 First drafts of interface specifications for Network Services and the technical specification of the EU Geo-portal T + 12 D3.4D3.4 Test report and impact analysis using the EU-geoportalT + 18 D3.5D3.5 INSPIRE Network Services draft Implementing RulesT + 24 D3.6D3.6 1 st Prototype of the EU Geo-portal using the prototypical INSPIRE network services T + 24

16 16 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Data & Service sharing 1/2 Objectives –To draft IR on access and rights of use for Community institutions and bodies, third party access, and potential re-use of spatial data sets & services by third parties Scope –Requirements for access and use in relation to public tasks –Current types of rights (ownership, use, copyright…) –Current types of access (retaining, sharing, trading…) –Current types of use (discover, view, download…)

17 17 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Data & Service sharing 2/2 Deliver. TitleMileston e D 4.1Report on status and requirements for access and rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies – including bodies established by international agreement to which the Community or Member States are party. T + 15 D 4.2Draft data-sharing Implementing Rules governing access and rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies T + 24 D 4.3Report on status and requirements of third parties on access to upload services. T + 15 D 4.4Draft Implementing Rules on third party access to upload services T + 24 D 4.5Report on the status and on the requirements of third parties for re-use of spatial data sets and services. T + 36 D 4.6Report with overview of current best practices and models for data policies T + 36

18 18 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Monitoring & reporting 1/2 Objectives –mechanisms, methodology, indicators for: continuous monitoring three yearly report to the Commission Scope –objective and measurable indicators –derivable from applications –minimalise overhead –validation

19 19 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Monitoring & reporting 2/2 Deliver.TitleMilestone D 5.1Monitoring indicatorsT + 6 D 5.2Draft Implementing Rules for MonitoringT + 24 D 5.3Draft Implementing Rules for ReportingT + 36

20 20 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Organisational structures & co-ordination 1/2 Objectives –To define the organisational structure (from Transposition Phase onwards) –To define roles and responsibilities Scope –strategic (policy) developments at Commission level, –co-ordination tasks at Community level, at national level and at thematic community level, –operational support, –technical development and technological evolution including progressive standardisation, –link with relevant international initiatives (e.g. GMES, GALILEO, GEO), –experiences gained during the Preparatory Phase

21 21 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Organisational structures & co-ordination 2/2 Deliver.TitleMilestone D 6.11st Proposal for Organisational structures, roles and responsibilities T + 12 D 6.2Final Organisational structures, roles and responsibilities (including formal link with international initiatives) T + 24

22 22 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Integration & horizontal measures 1/2 Objectives –ensure co-ordinated progress across activities support to Drafting Teams feedback on preparatory activities awareness raising migration issues towards INSPIRE compliance Scope –Co-ordination tasks at Community level –Ensure cross analysis –Operational support –Link with international initiatives –Broadening involvement & feedback

23 23 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Integration & horizontal measures 2/2 Deliver.TitleMileston e D 7.1Cross-check interdependenciescontinuou sly D 7.2FAQ on INSPIRE for policy makersT + 9 D 7.3Guidelines on migration issuesT + 24 D 7.4Guidelines for INSPIRE complianceT + 24

24 24 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 review of the Work Programme Once the Drafting Teams have been set up, the time table and respective chapters of the Work Programme will be screened in more detail by the DTs.

25 25 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The concept of Spatial Data Interest Communities bundle expertise of users, producers and transformers of spatial information bundle technical competence and financial resources common interest to better use the available resources for spatial data management development and operation of spatial information services monitoring and reporting obligations in the environmental EU regulatory framework.

26 26 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The role of Spatial Data Interest Communities to identify user requirements to provide expertise to INSPIRE Drafting Teams to participate in the review process of draft Implementing Rules to develop, operate and evaluate implementation pilots to develop guidelines, awareness raising and training

27 27 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The role of Legally Mandated Organisations To collaborate within the SDICs, or autonomously in providing technical specifications To help identify user needs To contribute to the analysis of the technical and operational feasibility of implementation of proposed draft Implementing Rules To provide feedback on the cost/benefit consequences of Implementing Rules at Member State level.

28 28 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The role of Drafting Teams to analyse and review the reference material to write draft INSPIRE Implementing Rules to provide recommendations to the CT (in case of conflicting technical specifications) to provide suggestions to the CT for testing any proposed specification

29 29 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The role of the Consolidation team To coordinate and support DTs’ activities To coordinate with the SDIC, which includes: To ensure coherence between different Implementing Rules To final edit harmonised draft Implementing Rules ensuring their overall coherence To coordinate Pilot and Prototype projects To coordinate the review processes To follow the link to other directives under preparation and to ensure feedback from the co- decision process. To link to legal services of the European Commission

30 30 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Commission Services co-ordinate Spatial Data Interest Communities participate Projects cont- ribute Drafting Teams Consolidation Team Proto- types test Pilots valida te CEN, ISO, OGC contribute LMOs review impact INSPIRE Expert Group advises INSPIRE Committee votes EC adopts Public reviews MS apply Implementing Rules Draft Implementing Rules Formal Internet Consultation Internal Review Call for InterestExisting Reference Material Experts are proposed 20052007 Association phase Drafting phaseReview phase

31 31 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 The role of projects, pilots and prototypes develop representative use-case scenarios demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of interoperability-based solutions acquire experience in implementing interoperability-based solutions determine cost and benefit of interoperability based solutions on the basis of real cases

32 32 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 GI standardisation initiatives mainly 3 organisations : –ISO dealing with GI in ISO/TC211 –CEN with TC287 –OGC standards and specifications to be used as reference material for DTs and CT linking –directly with the DT –indirectly via SDICs, LMOs, projects

33 33 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Pilots and prototypes Development of the EU geo-portal –Development by JRC –Based on standards (ISO, CEN, OGC, W3C) WFD as pilot for implementation –Need for adoption of a common GIS dataset –Harmonisation of encoding Eurostat INSPIRE pilot: SDIGER –Feasibility of interoperable solutions –Cross border case: WFD for Adour - Garonne EEA SDI prototyping –EIONET as example of SDIC

34 34 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Role of Commission services 3 services involved: DG-ENV, Eurostat, JRC facilitation and co-ordination: –To follow up the legislative process –To organise the calls for interest (SDICs, experts, LMOs) –To set up the Drafting Teams –To set up the Consolidation Team –To facilitate the operation of the Consolidation Team –To organise the INSPIRE Expert Group meetings –To organise various formal internet consultations –To formalise the draft Implementing Rules to be submitted to the INSPIRE Committee –To decide on the closing down of activities of various subgroups

35 35 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05

36 36 11° EC GI&GIS ws Alghero June 05 Conclusions A balancing exercise between: Maximum transparency As much as possible stakeholder involvement Manageability of the process The feasibility of implementation of proposed measures Formal roles and responsibilities in a legislative process

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