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Strategic Planning Made Simple : Eliminate Your Distractions, Inspire Your Team, Scale Your Revenue with a Your Exit Plan Defined. Presented by: Greg DeSimone.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning Made Simple : Eliminate Your Distractions, Inspire Your Team, Scale Your Revenue with a Your Exit Plan Defined. Presented by: Greg DeSimone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning Made Simple : Eliminate Your Distractions, Inspire Your Team, Scale Your Revenue with a Your Exit Plan Defined. Presented by: Greg DeSimone November 19, 2015

2 5 Boxes

3 Key Take Away

4 My Family Story

5 Vision ► Goals ► Plans ► Actions  Vision: Clear mental image of the end result  Goals: Result toward which an effort is directed  Plans: Steps to achieve the goal  Actions: Activity to execute the plan

6 Gleicher’s Formula for Change D x V x F > R Dissatisfaction Vision First Steps Resistance

7 Foundation  Purpose - “Why?”  Values - “How?”  Mission - “What?”  Destination - “Where?”

8 Golden Circle

9 Destination  Ideal picture of where your business will be at a future point in time.  Pick ONE most important consideration for the future of your business that can be measured: Revenue Profit Customers Units Delivered Market Share Productivity Efficiency Growth Rate

10 Impact

11 Connect the Vision to 2016 and Beyond.


13 RULE of 3 “Anything is possible, BUT everything is not” - not sure

14 RULE of 3 X 3  Goal 1:  Action 1  Action 2  Action 3  Goal 2:  Action 1  Action 2  Action 3  Goal 3:  Action 1  Action 2  Action 3

15 Removing Critical Constraints

16 Leaders Role

17 What are My Critical Constraints? ExternalInternal Action Item: Knowing them, how will I remove them?

18 Questions… 1.… 2.… 3.…

19 My Take Away from Today 1.… 2.… 3.…

20 Thank you!

21 Agenda 1.Introduction(s) 2. Goals for Today 3. Formula for Change 4. Vision Building 5. GOSPA 6. Metrics – Levers 7. Strategies, Plans, Actions 8. Critical Constraints 9. Putting it all to Work

22 Start Stop Exercise These are 3 things I must START doing now… 1. When: 2. When: 3. When: These are 3 things I must STOP doing now… KWINK: Knowing what I know now about growing my Business… 1. When: 2. When: 3. When:

23 Making it Happen Please post any action items you decide on to the last page in the workbook!

24 "A vision without a PLAN is just a dream. A PLAN without a vision is just drudgery. But a vision with a PLAN can change the world." - Proverb

25 My Top 3 Goals for Today’s Planning Session 1.… 2.… 3.…

26 The Importance of Vision “Leadership is about going somewhere. If you and your people don’t know where you are going, your leadership doesn’t matter.” Ken Blanchard “Leading at a Higher Level”

27 Examples of Purpose “We’re in the happiness business.” - Walt Disney “To alleviate pain and disease.” - Robert Johnson Founder, Johnson & Johnson

28 What’s Your Purpose?  Take a minute and think about the purpose for your business and write down what comes to mind.  Get a partner and share your purpose.  Provide feedback and ask questions to challenge the statement.

29 Values  Guidelines for how you should proceed as you pursue your purpose.  Example Disney Theme Parks Values: 1. Safety 2. Courtesy 3. The Show 4. Efficiency  The ranking helps determine what to do when values are in conflict.

30 Mission  What you do to carry out your Purpose.  Example A high landscape design firm: Our mission is to amaze our customers - those individuals or organizations with upscale properties who fervently desire to beautify their properties - by providing them with magnificent environs that thrill their senses, soothe their minds and nurture their souls.

31 Exercise  Write down YOUR purpose, values, mission and destination  Target 3-5 years out  Write the first things that come to your mind  Spend 3 minutes  Then get a partner and share what you wrote

32 Examples of Destination  We commit to doubling our annual gross revenues to $10 million by...  We will achieve a pre-tax profit margin of 24% by...  We resolve to be the number one health care provider in Massachusetts by...

33 GOSPAGOSPA Goals Objectives Strategies Plans Actions

34 Goals  Rules for writing goals:  Write in 1st person: “I”  Present Tense  Positive Statement  Use an action verb  They must be SMART

35 Smart Goals Are: S pecific M easurable A ligned R ealistic T ime-Bounded

36 Write Your 2015 Goals  What one goal do you need to achieve in your most important area to be on the path to build your vision?  What other goals do you need to achieve to be on the right path to build your vision in 2015?

37 Objectives  What are the milestones on the way to achieve your 2015 goals?  Seasonality  Key events  Key clients  Contracts Ending

38 My Strategic Plan

39 The Way to Wealth Formula Four Formulas:  Customer  Revenue  Gross Profit  Net Profit

40 The Customer Formula Marketing Leads xx Conversion Rate == Customers You’re In Control Of Number of leads Effectiveness or conversion rate from lead to customer Plan For Marketing mix USP

41 The Revenue Formula Customers xx Average Sale Size xx Frequency == Revenue You’re In Control Of Average sale or order size Number of sales per period Plan For Right pricing Promotion, upsell, cross-sell Customer surveys

42 Revenue xx Gross Margin == Gross Profit You’re In Control Of Costs of goods sold Plan For Product or service profitability Customer profitability The Gross Profit Formula

43 The Net Profit Formula Your Gross Profit xx Net Margin == Your Net Profit You’re In Control Of Fixed operating costs Plan For Break-even point or quantity

44 The Way to Wealth EXAMPLES!

45 The Hot Dog Vendor Game Starts as …. 8th Avenue Vendor … 50 sales per day … $5 average sale … open 240 days a year = $60,000 in revenue each year Write down each idea, what numbers of the W2W it affects and the amount of added revenue it will contribute. Create a $1,000,000 business for this vendor.

46 IdeaImpactAdded Revenue 1) Offer CombosAverage sale $6.50 $18,000 2) Improve Product/New Veggie DogAverage sale $8.00 $18,000 3) Buy a Box for Home$2 * 10/box * 2.5 sales $12,000 4) Second Location on 8th AvenueDouble Sales $108,000 5) Morning Coffee/Cookies$5 sales * 25 per day $60,000 6) Third CartVisibility $148,000 7) Sports Events Sponsor$8 * 500 sales * 65 events $260,000 8) Hot Dog Recipe Books$15 * 500 year $7,500 9) Weekend "Simple Cooking" Class$25*20people * 24 classes $12,000 10) Alliance - courier delivery$5 * 200 orders * 240 $240,000 11) University Location$6.50 * 200 orders * 200dy $260,000 12) Seminars on being a vendor$2000 * 25 events $50,000 Total Revenue $1,266,500 Making $1 million as a Hot Dog Vendor…Priceless!

47 Build Your 2015 Way to Wealth  In the “Today” column fill in your 2015 actual numbers  Identify a target % increase you want to apply to the INPUTS  Do the math to see where your revenue and profit land  Modify the increase to get to your 2015 goal

48 Strategies How will you get the numbers in your W2W formula?

49 Goal Setting Premise By December 31, 2015, I achieved all of my goals because I… By December 31, 2015, I failed to achieve all of my goals because I failed to…

50 Action Plan in Review 1.By When: 2.By When: 3.By When: 4.By When: 5.By When: My Top 5 Action Items Are: My next Goal Setting and Review is (Date)____________________ I will share my Goals with _________________________________ …to hold myself accountable. I will celebrate ________ milestone by ____________

51 Exclusive Offer Complimentary 1 hour: “Double Your Profit” Strategic Planning Session Once you have completed this personalized session you will have a clear understanding of:  Clarifying and getting what you really want  How to clearly state your goals  How to create an action plan to achieve your goals  How to convert your vision into reality SIGN UP TODAY! Remember to Complete the Speaker Survey: ‘click’ on speakers / select your speaker

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