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Ian Bird WLCG Workshop, Barcelona, 9 th July 2014 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona1.

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Presentation on theme: "Ian Bird WLCG Workshop, Barcelona, 9 th July 2014 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ian Bird WLCG Workshop, Barcelona, 9 th July 2014 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona1

2 Introduction Successfully negotiated Run 1 – with great success -Computing has become a recognised key tool Significant experience and lessons gathered Many ideas for evolution for Run 2 -Documented in the Computing Model Update document Roles of Tiers, use of networks, federated data, clouds, opportunistic resources, etc Huge efforts in the experiments to improve efficiency – huge gains in performance and memory use Consolidation of operations/support activities Still much effort needed to live within likely resources (hardware and personnel) Now also time to look further forward 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona2

3 3 LS1 Status Frédérick Bordry 28 th April 2014 Run 2Run 3 Run 4 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4LS 5Run 5 LS2 starting in 2018 (July)=> 18 months + 3 months BC LS3LHC: starting in 2023 =>30 months + 3 months BC Injectors: in 2024=>13 months + 3 months BC LHC roadmap: schedule beyond LS1 Beam commissioning Technical stop Shutdown Physics Run 2Run 3 Run 4 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4LS 5Run 5 (Extended) Year End Technical Stop: (E)YETS EYETS YETS 300 fb -1 3’000 fb -1 30 fb -1 PHASE 1 PHASE 2

4 Scale of challenge … 26 February 2014 Ian Bird; Cloud Expo 20144 Data: ~25 PB/yr  400 PB/yr Compute: Growth > x50 10 Year Horizon What we think is affordable unless we do something differently 2010 2015 2018 2023

5 What do we need to do? In the face of a huge increase in resource needs:  Reduce costs  Flat budgets very optimistic  Must optimise the use of what we (will) have  And easily make use of opportunistic and other resources  Reduce cost of operation  Needs to be self sustaining, minimal staffing  Effort is limited and do not have large EC etc projects  Move with evolving technology  Clouds, IPV6/networks, processor architectures  Long term planning for HL-LHC timescale  Probably needs significant changes in models 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona5

6 Optimisation Software improvements – to make better use of new CPU But needs to be optimised vs memory, storage, I/O performance, network etc -We need a global optimisation -Needs some quantitative results for further planning Some work started -Dirk Duellmann – TEG, and subsequent efforts -Some useful investigations CERN-Wigner -Probably need to strengthen this work and start to look at some key metrics Must be able to justify in concrete terms how we improve overall performance / € -What are the metrics – useful and meaningful for us and understandable to FA’s etc 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona6

7 Summary of the workshop held at CERN on April 3-4 2014

8 HEP SW: Goals Goals of the initiative are to: -better meet the rapidly growing needs for simulation, reconstruction and analysis of current and future HEP experiments, -further promote the maintenance and development of common software projects and components for use in current and future HEP experiments, -enable the emergence of new projects that aim to adapt to new technologies, improve the performance, provide innovative capabilities or reduce the maintenance effort -enable potential new collaborators to become involved -identify priorities and roadmaps -promote collaboration with other scientific and software domains. 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona8

9 Status today 12 White papers received (inc. original) -http://hep-software- contributed-discussion-hep-software-foundationhttp://hep-software- contributed-discussion-hep-software-foundation -A lot of commonality – broad agreement on goals, the need, and lightweight structure Authors of these have been contacted to meet to try and reach a consensus on goals, structure, and how to set up a foundation -1 st meeting next week; -aim for 2 nd workshop with a solid proposal later this year 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona9

10 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona10

11 Clouds all the way? Many sites are deploying cloud stacks Experiments have used many cloud instances -WLCG sites; HLT farms; Helix Nebula; opportunistic uses; Amazon, Google, etc. What is our long term strategy here? Some observations: -Use of commercial and other resources is likely to be via some sort of cloud-like software -Same for opportunistic use of academic or public e- infrastructures -Grid software requires support from our community no one else will do it Not obvious we have the effort available now Many cloud stacks have significant support/development/user communities behind them 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona11

12 Options Do nothing in particular -Continue to run grid services on top of these cloud installations Move to fully embrace cloud sw as the primary means to submit jobs to our sites Focus on pilot factories as the site entry and not worry (as a community) about how the site is managed 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona12

13 But: Can’t avoid some level of fairly complex scheduling -We are not elastic – we are always resource- constrained Should clarify our strategy wrt -Cloud interfaces, pilot factories, CE’s 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona13

14 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona14

15 Possible actions Reduce amount of middleware that we need to support ourselves -Moving to clouds may help – but in short term maybe more issues to address -BUT: there is middleware we require, that has missing support Continue to simplify site management and services that are needed -See Wahid’s comment about storage -ATLAS comment about small sites -Use of BOINC-like service to better use sites and opportunistic resources 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona15

16 Can the EC help? CERN has been discussing with the EC, in the context of its Helix Nebula activities, about support for the procurement of IT products and services by the public sector. It is our understanding that the EC intends to publish details of a funding call, ICT-8, in November 2014 with a deadline for submission of April 2015. It is our belief that the ICT-8 call could offer an opportunity for EU-T0 to gain support from the EC for the procurement of state-of-the-art hardware. The proposal should focus on preparing and executing a cross-national procurement process linked to the foreseen upgrades of the EU-T0 sites across Europe. It would imply the sites agreeing to a common procurement technical specification and committing to procure for a stated amount. -The EC would then provide an additional 20% to supplement the procurement engagement. An important innovation that EU-T0 could bring would be to consider specifications that are compatible with the open compute project ( and show how this cross-national procurement model could be a model for ESFRI research infrastructure in different disciplines. 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona16

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18 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona18

19 External funding In order to benefit it is clear that HEP-only proposals will be unlikely to succeed -In Europe and USA We need to engage with initiatives like EU-T0, OSG, EGI and via WLCG members with other sciences -We need to show that our experience can be useful to others -We need to ensure that our developments have an eye to being broadly useful outside of LHC But: we need to be careful that our effort is used in directions that help us -Cannot afford a scatter-gun approach 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona19

20 WLCG scope Several discussions on how “WLCG” could support other HEP and similar experiments -e.g. requests from Belle2, ILC, others WLCG organisation is scoped for LHC -But the infrastructure should be common Has been no clear answer to this Perhaps EU-T0 is a mechanism for this in Europe -But that omits the global reach of WLCG and HEP -??? 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona20

21 Summary Lots of preparation for Run 2 -Run 2 is largely an evolution of Run 1 Need to start thinking about the longer term -Set up/reinvigorate working groups on specific areas -Brainstorming about the 10-year future Resources will be highly constrained in the next years -Cannot afford duplicate efforts -Have to collaborate on common tools as much as possible -We have the structure to collaborate – must take advantage of it -Will also need to strongly prioritise where we should spend the available effort 9 July 2014 Ian Bird; Barcelona21

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