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Describe the properties that are used to identify minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe the properties that are used to identify minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe the properties that are used to identify minerals.

2  All minerals have an orderly pattern of atoms. The atoms are arranged in a repeating pattern.  Solid materials that have a pattern of atoms are called crystals.

3  Sometimes crystals have smooth growth surfaces called crystal faces.  Example is the mineral pyrite also known as “fools gold”.

4  Another clue to a minerals identity is the way it breaks. Cleavage: minerals that split into smooth, regular planes.

5  Another way it breaks...  Fracture: Minerals that break into pieces with jagged or rough edges.

6  Color: The reddish-gold color of a new penny shows you that it contains copper. Pyrite has a shiny, gold color similar to real gold

7  Streak: The color produced by the mineral when it is scraped across tile.

8  Luster: How light reflects off the surface. Example: shiny, dull, metallic, pearly

9  Hardness: Identify minerals by their hardness.  Cross reference with the Mohs scale. Scale of 1 to 10.  1 is a soft gem and 10 is hard. ollectors_corner/article/ m

10  Name five properties that are commonly used to identify minerals. 1. Color 2. Luster 3. Streak 4. Hardness 5. Cleavage/Fracture 6. Magnetism

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