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Context assessment  Do no harm  Equity  Women’s empowerment  Multi-sectoral collaboration  M&E (explicit nutrition objectives & indicators) Potential.

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Presentation on theme: "Context assessment  Do no harm  Equity  Women’s empowerment  Multi-sectoral collaboration  M&E (explicit nutrition objectives & indicators) Potential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Context assessment  Do no harm  Equity  Women’s empowerment  Multi-sectoral collaboration  M&E (explicit nutrition objectives & indicators) Potential actions Consumption Improvement of local recipes Public guidance & consumer awareness/protection Complementary feeding Horticulture/Crops Diversification & locally adapted varieties Biofortification Livestock & Fisheries Animal husbandry, fisheries & insect farming Animal services Food Processing, Fortification & Storage Food processing (excluding fortification) Fortification (including salt iodization & complementary foods) Food storage Food, agriculture & diets Health-based Maternal, Neonatal & Child Health Care Ante- & post-natal care Health professional-assisted delivery Basic paediatric health services Micronutrient Supplementation Iron & folic acid/Iron supplementation Vitamin A/D/zinc/Ca/iodine supplementation Multiple micronutrient supplementation Management of Acute Malnutrition Mgt of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) Mgt of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) Food technology support for specialized nutrition foods Disease Prevention & Management Anti-malaria Diarrhoea mgt. (e.g. ORT w/ zinc) Vaccinations (measles, polio, etc.) HIV mgt. & PMTCT Mgt. of tuberculosis Mgt. of respiratory infections Water & Sanitation Improvement of water supply/source quality Sanitation facilities management Governance Situation analysis, advocacy & communications Policy formulation/review & planning Human & institutional capacity development/training Effectiveness & accountability Food assistance for vulnerable population groups School-based social safety nets Assisted health services Poverty reduction &/or emergency risk mitigation Market Regulation & Insurance Minimum maternity protection Insurance (health, unemployment, weather, etc.) Macroeconomic levers Social Safety Nets Social protection Infant & Young Child Feeding Protection, promotion & support of optimal breastfeeding Improvement of complementary feeding Hygiene Hand-washing Household water treatment & storage Food hygiene Sanitation management Care for Children/ P&L Women Care to pregnant/lactating women Childcare support/caregiver workload Health Behaviours Health-seeking behaviour Insecticide-treated nets (anti-malaria) Family planning behaviour (incl. adolescent girls) Maternal & child care UN Inventory - Nutrition Action Framework

2 Food, Agriculture and Diets: Actions and sub-actions by thematic area CONSUMPTION Improvement of local recipes -Trials of improved practices -Nutrition training/sensitisation/counselling for mothers &/or other caregivers -Nutrition education in schools & in the workplace Public guidance & consumer awareness/protection -Formulation of national, food-based dietary guidelines -Public information (social marketing) campaigns -Food labelling & commercial advertising Complementary feeding -Dietary diversification -Fortified complementary foods HORTICULTURE/CROPS Diversification & locally adapted varieties -Fruit and vegetable gardens -Intercropping, rotation & sequencing -Inputs & irrigation -Market linkages and consumption promotion Biofortification -Introduction of micronutrient-rich plant varieties -Social marketing campaigns and market linkages LIVESTOCK & FISHERIES Animal husbandry, fisheries & insect farming -Extensive animal rearing (e.g. cattle among (agro)pastoralists) -Homestead animal rearing (e.g. poultry, sheep, goats) -Aquaculture & capture fisheries -Insect-farming -Processing, handling, market access and consumption Animal services -Vaccinations, parasite control, breeding support & other vet. services -Feed & water -Shelter & settlement -Basic hygiene education FOOD PROCESSING, FORTIFICATION & STORAGE Food processing (excluding fortification) -Malting, drying, pickling and curing at household level -Other nutrition–oriented food processing -Nutrition education Fortification (including salt iodisation) -Mass and community fortification -Point-of-use fortification -Fortified complementary foods -Nutrition education and social marketing campaigns Food storage -Household food storage/silos -Large-scale food storage

3 Maternal and Child Care: Actions and sub-actions by thematic area INFANT & YOUNG CHILD FEEDING Promotion, protection and support of optimal breastfeeding practices -Health service level actions (professional, lay & peer) -Community level actions -Communication (media & social marketing) Improvement of complementary feeding -Availability of appropriate complementary foods -Access to complementary foods -Food technology & quality & safety of complementary foods -Basic instruction/nutrition education on optimal complementary feeding CARE FOR CHILDREN/PREGNANT & LACTATING WOMEN Care to pregnant & lactating women -Reduced working hours/special leave (e.g. Maternity Protection) -Provision of essentials (food, water, shelter) and nutrition education to support good maternal nutrition and recommended child feeding practices -Income &/or productive assets support -Psycho-social support to help mothers adopt the recommended breastfeeding practices Childcare support/caregiver workload -Childcare services & support -Provision of essentials (food, water, shelter) to support good child feeding practices HYGIENE Hand-washing -Hand-washing education & promotion -Provision of water, soap and other supplies -Hand-washing facilities Household water treatment & storage -Water treatment methods for drinking water -Safe storage of drinking water Food hygiene -Food hygiene education & support -Infrastructure & technology Sanitation Management -Sanitation mgt. education & sanitation environment support HEALTH BEHAVIOURS Health-seeking behaviour -Instruction on early signs/symptoms of pregnancy as well as illness and disease -Promotion of uptake of maternal, neonatal & paediatric health services Insecticide-treated bednets (anti-malaria) -Guidance on use & mgt. of insecticide-treated nets -Social marketing campaigns on bednets Family planning behaviour (including adolescent girls) -Prevention of adolescent pregnancy (including prevention of early marriage) -Voluntary family planning and reproductive health education & support -Social marketing campaigns

4 Health-based: Actions and sub-actions by thematic area MATERNAL, NEONATAL & PAEDIATRIC HEALTH CARE Antenatal & postnatal care -Basic nutrition education & health counselling -Micronutrient supplementation -Nutrition & medical screening & referrals -Supplementary feeding (balanced energy protein & multiple micronutrient) -Disease prevention & management (including anti- malaria interventions) Health professional-assisted delivery -Obstetrics & neonatal care -Infant & young child feeding counselling & support Basic paediatric health services -Growth monitoring & promotion -Vaccinations -Diseases prevention & mgt. (including anti-malaria) MICRONUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTATION Iron or Iron/folic acid supplementation -Iron/folic acid supplementation for women/adolescent girls -Iron supplementation for children -Nutrition education & behaviour change communication Supplementation of vitamins A/D/calcium/zinc/iodine -Vitamin A supplementation -Vitamin D supplementation -Calcium supplementation -Zinc supplementation -Iodine supplementation Multiple micronutrient supplementation -Point-of-use fortification -Multiple micronutrient supplements -Nutrition education & behaviour change communication MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE MALNUTRITION Management of severe acute malnutrition -Outpatient management of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) -Inpatient management of SAM Management of moderate acute malnutrition -Targeted supplementary feeding -Blanket supplementary feeding Food technology support for specialized nutritious foods -Local production of specialized nutritious foods for management of acute malnutrition WATER & SANITATION Improvement of water supply & source quality -Safe water kits -Water source & distribution systems -Water treatment for water sources Sanitation facilities management -Community led total sanitation -Sanitation systems -Latrine construction &/or rehabilitation & excreta mgt. -Water, sanitation (& hygiene) education & social marketing PREVENTION & MANAGEMENT OF SOIL, WATERBORNE & ENDEMIC DISEASES Anti-malaria -Deworming for management of intestinal parasites -Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria for pregnant women -Iron supplementation Diarrhoea management -Oral rehydration treatment with zinc -Management of severe acute malnutrition -Water, sanitation & hygiene interventions to prevent diarrhoea Vaccinations -Measles vaccination -Polio vaccination -Rotavirus & cholera vaccinations HIV management & prevention of mother to child transmission -Antiretroviral therapy or prophylaxis -Supplementation -Infant feeding counselling & support -HIV/AIDS education Management of tuberculosis -Direct Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) treatment -Nutrition Counselling -Supplementation -Management of acute malnutrition in individuals with active TB Management of respiratory infections -Antibiotics treatment -Nutrition counselling -Supplementation

5 Social Protection: Actions and sub-actions by thematic area SOCIAL SAFETY NETS Food assistance for vulnerable population groups -Blanket supplementary feeding School-based Social Safety Nets -School feeding for school-age children Assisted health services -Maternal health visits -Child health visits Poverty reduction &/or emergency risk mitigation -General food distribution -Public works programmes & asset protection -Price subsidies MARKET REGULATION & INSURANCE Minimum maternity protection -Maternity protection -Childcare support Insurance -Health insurance -Unemployment insurance -Livelihood-related insurance Macroeconomic Levers -Minimum wage -Price subsidies -Tariffs/Taxes

6 Nutrition Governance: Actions and streams SECTORAL G OVERNANCE A CTIONS Situation analysis, advocacy and communications Policy formulation/review and planning Human and institutional capacity development/training Effectiveness & accountability (e.g. information systems) MULTI-SECTORAL GOVERNANCE ACTIONS Situation analysis, advocacy and communications Policy formulation/review and planning Human and institutional capacity development//training Effectiveness and accountability (e.g. information systems)

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