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WWI thru Germany Reunification. WWI  Three causes of WWI  *nationalism – pride in one’s country  *militarism – building up of a country’s military.

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Presentation on theme: "WWI thru Germany Reunification. WWI  Three causes of WWI  *nationalism – pride in one’s country  *militarism – building up of a country’s military."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWI thru Germany Reunification

2 WWI  Three causes of WWI  *nationalism – pride in one’s country  *militarism – building up of a country’s military  *ALLIANCES – an agreement between countries to help each other if one is attacked

3 WWI cont. 1914 a country named Serbia assassinated Archduke Ferdinand of Austria – Hungary War began

4 UNITED STATES U.S. allied with France, Great Britain, Russia and entered the war as Russia pulled out in 1917

5 Russian Revolution Russian people took a stand in 1917 and decided the war was not beneficial for their country and pulled out Russian citizens were freezing to death and starving while the soldiers and the leaders of Russia during war time were living in luxury.

6   Was a document Germany was force to sign which made them take full responsibility of the war  Germany had to pay for the war and get rid of their military  Germany was going broke Treaty of Versailles

7  In 1929 due to WWI the U.S. economy took a turn for the worse and eventually spread to Europe and lasted for 10 years.

8 Nazism & Adolf Hitler  Nazism is the idea of being proud to be a Nazi soldier for their new leader Adolf Hitler  Hitler became the leader of Germany after WWI due to the turmoil within Germany having to pay for the war  Hitler convinced citizens it was the communists and the Jew’s fault they were suffereing

9 * Murdering of Jews in European countries along with Gypsies, Slavs, political enemies, handicapped and others

10  1939 – 1945 war erupted in Europe once again  This time it was because Hitler was killing Jews and other races and was trying to create full empires.  Allies included Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, and China fought on one side  Axis power included Germany, Italy, and Japan

11 Major Battles of WWII  Battle of Stalingrad – 1942 bloodiest battle in human history, 1 – 2 million people died, most on the Axis power side  D – Day 1944 – crossed the English Channel, landed on the beach of Normandy, France. The Allies led by the U.S. were successful in this battle and Germany surrendered in 1945

12 WWII E NDS 1945 Germany realized they are not going to win and they surrender

13  The United States and Russia divided Germany in half and each took a side to control  Both countries were considered super powers because they could make nuclear bombs  The tension lasted 10 years but no fighting ever happened

14 Berlin Wall Falls O A wall was put up when the U.S. and Russia divided Germany O Those on the Russia side wanted freedom, they did not like the communist contol

15 Collapse of the Soviet Union The U.S. beefed up its military and made more nuclear weapons The Soviet Union couldn’t keep up and eventually gave up and allowed citizens to be free of communist control and roam freely They citizens helped to tear down the Berlin Wall that divided Germany

16 Germany’s Reunification In 1990 Germany was a democracy, and the citizens voted to make Germany one country again The Soviet Union broke up into several different countries and Russia was born

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