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An Introduction to Levels of Thinking. Essential Question: How will understanding Levels of Thinking help me to be a better student?

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Levels of Thinking. Essential Question: How will understanding Levels of Thinking help me to be a better student?"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Levels of Thinking

2 Essential Question: How will understanding Levels of Thinking help me to be a better student?

3 Quickwrite: In life, why is it important to ask good relevant questions? Give an example.

4 Levels of Thinking Level 1 ― Gathering/Recall Gathering information Book questions – Information is either known or can be found in a book. Level 2 ― Process a Skill/Concept Thinking about the information Cannot be accomplished without completing Level 1 thinking Level 3 – Strategic Thinking Formulate next steps and making connections Cannot be accomplished without completing Level 1 & 2 thinking Level 4 ― Extended Thinking/Output Applying the information to new situations and making judgments Cannot be accomplished without completing Level 1, 2, & 3 thinking

5 Depth of Knowledge Levels

6 Level 1 — Gathering/Recall Who was the 1 st president of the US? Who was the 16 th president of the US? Level 2 — Process a Skill/Concept What qualities make an effective president? Level 3 – Strategic Thinking How were Washington & Lincoln similar and how were they different? Level 4 — Output Who was the better president: Washington or Lincoln? Explain your thinking and support with 3-5 pieces of evidence. Levels of Thinking

7 “Relativity” by MC Escher

8 Summary Prompt: What are the four different levels of thinking? How can asking questions from each level help me to be a better learner?

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