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Homeless(’) problem?. Paris Brussels United States Lyon.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeless(’) problem?. Paris Brussels United States Lyon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeless(’) problem?

2 Paris Brussels United States Lyon

3 Definition Homelessness : people who’s unable to get and sustain a private home with his own resources or unable to maintain himself in a private home despite the help of social services. Statistics shows : o 17 000 homeless people in Belgium but we can’t be sure, it is likely to be more. o 1771 in Brussels

4 Why do people become homeless? « Good Work Staff »’s perspective 1. Poverty 2. Domestic violence 3. Health problems / no insurance 4.Mentally ill 5. Substance abuse: alcohol, etc. 6. Youth to adulthood 7. Rational strains : damaged relationship

5 People we met and asked on the street Thomas Darius An old man Volonteers from « Serve the city » 3 sisters

6 What does the government do? It’s specific in each country CPAS ( = Social Action’s public center) Social Housing in Ixelles Samu Social

7 CPAS Thomas was stolen many times

8 Social Housing in Ixelles L’Aulne, Avenue Marguerite Yourcenar Le Dons II, Avenue François Dons

9 Helps SAMUSOCIAL gives shelter for Homeless people

10 Nativitas (N.P.O.) From Monday to Saturday Coffee – tee : 0.20 € Orange Juice – milk : 0.25 € Social Restaurant from 12h to13h30 Complete meal: 2.00 € Meal without soup: 1.50 € Soupe + bread: 0.50 € Possible for having shower from 9h30 to 11h30 0.75 € Towels at the place: 0.25 € Clothes for very cheap prices

11 Little help from a family what could mean a lot for a hungry stomach … Central Station

12 Serve the City

13 Serving food at the Nord station every Monday and Thursday


15 Homeless world cup,every year in 73 countries

16 To sum up Organisations = preserve the human dignity of people in a harsh social situation + Inefficiency of the government = no solution for homeless people

17 Debate Do you try to avoid homeless people? ( Do you walk away or do you turn back? ) What could one have, when there are no more material goods?

18 Love Loyality Friendship

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