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RADARSAT-1 Foreign Data Repatriation September 2015 CEOS WGISS Gary Crocker, Brian McLeod Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation

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Presentation on theme: "RADARSAT-1 Foreign Data Repatriation September 2015 CEOS WGISS Gary Crocker, Brian McLeod Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation"— Presentation transcript:

1 RADARSAT-1 Foreign Data Repatriation September 2015 CEOS WGISS Gary Crocker, Brian McLeod Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation

2 2 Road To Now  RADARSAT 1 (R1) Data is Archived where Received;  51 Ground Stations received R1 Data;  Some Ground Stations combined into one Archive for example: GSS, PASS and ISSF (DLR) in CARCH as FRED;  ASF and McMurdo - one Archive at ASF as Level 0 (swath);  13 Ground Stations are confidential for all but 4 stations (EV6, Hyades, TAU & NURC), the R1 data is stored at CCMEO and CSA;  33 Ground Stations except for 2 stations (VIG and DRA), the R1 data is stored at Foreign stations.

3 3 Road to Now (continued)  September 2010, CSA released the R1 Foreign Data Consolidation Plan (needs updates)  January 5, 2015, CCMEO and CSA met and agreed on some principles regarding R1 Foreign Data Repatriation.  To apply CEOS recommendations for the preservation of Earth Observation data to the following objectives;  Short-Term objective to archive “transportable data” in FRED format and “Jaxa data” into Canadian archive;  Mid-Term objective to appraise West Freugh (DRA) data and to start on a prioritized basis to archive into CARCH;  Long- Term objective apply the experience gained from meeting the short term and mid term objectives to other R1 foreign data archives.

4 4 \ Repatriation Plan - Structure  The overall plan is broken up into four sub-plans:  Preservation Plan  Short Term Plan  Mid Term Plan  Long Term Plan  Initialization phase activities found in the Preservation Plan (objectives and high level requirements) and Short Term, Mid Term and Long Term Plans (detailed requirements and development);  Each sub-plan contains three subsections;  Each subsection contains one or more action items;  Each action item is assigned a cost in the Cost Model.

5 5 Preservation Plan – Designated Community (DC)  Key challenge lies in foreseeing a future user community and future uses of R1 foreign data archives;  GoC SAR Application Working Group will define the DC;  Consultation with DC (CDC) by CCRS:  CDC AI-1 – identify GoC users of R1 foreign data (complete);  CDC AI-2 – DC specification of preservation requirements;  CDC AI-3 – Cost Model update by CCMEO;  CDC AI-4 – Inform/Confirm with DC.

6 6 Preservation Plan - Appraisal  Appraisal based on merit criteria advised by science, risk and cost trade-offs;  Which R1 data sets should be preserved;  Data Set Appraisal:  DSA AI-1 – stewardship, access and distribution;  DSA AI-2 – update to AD B (a CSA document);  DSA AI-3 – visualization tool implementation plan (complete).

7 7 Visualization Tool (DSA AI-3 Prototype)

8 8

9 9 Access to R1 data Users discover R1 data using CCMEO Access portal (NEODF/EODMS); GoC users place order with Canadian Government Order Desk (CGOD) at CSA; CGOD submits R1 Production Order to Canadian Data Processing Facility (CDPF); CDPF submits R1 Archive Retrieval Request to Canadian Archive (CARCH/AMS); CDPF processes R1 FRED into Level 1 product; CDPF sends R1 Level 1 product to NEODF/EODMS; GoC users retrieve R1 Level 1 product from NEODF/EODMS.

10 10 Schedule FY 15/16FY 16/17 FTE0.65 FTE1.5 FTE Objective1.Update of R1 ACS (STP AI-6) 2.Preparation of Consolidation Procedure (STP AI-1) 3.Update to AMS (STP AI-3 and STP AI-5) 4.Implementation of STP consolidation procedure (STP AI-7) 5.Conversion of CEOS Level 0 to FRED (MTP AI-5) 6.West Freugh SPA records in ARCGIS Layer (MTP AI-1) 1.STP Implementation phase (STP AI-8) 2.CCMEO and CSA to consult DC regarding West Freugh data (CDC AI-2 and MTP AI-2) 3.Preparation of consolidation procedure (MTP AI-3) 4.(Partial) implementation of MTP consolidation procedure (MTP AI-6)

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