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©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 1 DESIGN A HIGH-LEVEL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Facilities and Equipment Infrastructure NetworkLMSContent RepositoriesHRISAccess.

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Presentation on theme: "©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 1 DESIGN A HIGH-LEVEL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Facilities and Equipment Infrastructure NetworkLMSContent RepositoriesHRISAccess."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 1 DESIGN A HIGH-LEVEL SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Facilities and Equipment Infrastructure NetworkLMSContent RepositoriesHRISAccess Portal Funding System Strategic Partnerships Learningware Inventory Field Operations Human Performance System SelectionLearningCertificationPerformance MgmtCareer Mgmt Learning Strategies Class & Lab Workplace Web-enabled Communities of Practice Performance Models Area Management Project Management Business Groups Product Management HR Tech Pubs IT Primary Inputs Business Processes and Tools Product Standards HR Standards Global Learning & Development Processes and Standards Governance System Global Functional Councils Regional Councils Global L&D Network Local Learning & Development Regional Learning & Development Global Learning & Development Org Structure Roles & Responsibilities Staffing System Information Infrastructure NetworkLMS/LCMSContent RepositoriesHRISAccess Portal Deployment Systems Global L&D Product Process Markets Learner Populations Work Processes, Tasks, and Tools Skills & Know- ledge Service SalesEngineering Manufacturing PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture

2 ©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 2 LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS CHECKLIST L&D strategies (see separate checklist) Performance Models and Typical Learning Paths for specific jobs/roles Learning materials inventory (Curriculum Architecture) Delivery system  Learning centers  Workplace learning systems  Electronic network  Schools/universities  Contract organizations  Video teleconferencing Learningware development system  Analysis of needs  Design and development  Procurement  Maintenance Administration system  Planning and budgeting  Results measurement and reporting  Registration and scheduling  Recordkeeping  Materials management Facilities infrastructure  Learning centers  Worksite facilities Electronic infrastructure  LMS  LCMS or hosting  Network  Portal Learning & Development processes (see separate list) PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture

3 ©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 3 LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS CHECKLIST (cont.) L&D roles  VP Learning and Development/Chief Learning Officer  Director, Curriculum  Director, Leadership Development  Director, Functional L&D (e.g., Sales)  Manager, Design and Development  Manager, Training Delivery  Manager, Planning, Evaluation, and Results Measurement  Manager, L&D Administration  Performance Analyst  Performance Consultant  Instructional Designer  Instructional Developer  Information Designer  Graphics Designer  Instructor/Facilitator  Mentor  OJT Coach  Executive Coach  Administrative Support  Technical Support PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture

4 ©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 4 LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTS CHECKLIST (cont.) Governance System  Executive L&D Board/Council  Functional Learning and Development Councils  Regional Councils  L&D Leaders Council  Expert panels Funding System Staffing System L&D Department(s)  Mission  Business model  List of services  Organization structure —Global —Regional —Country —Local Line management L&D roles  Executive  Middle manager  Front-line supervisor Individual employee L&D responsibilities PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture

5 ©2012 RAY SVENSON CONSULTING, INC. 5 LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES CHECKLIST Training  Classroom (actual and virtual)  Laboratory  Simulations  E-Learning —Online courses —Webinars —Simulators  Structured on-the-job training  Social networks Hybrid training/non-training learning strategies  Workplace Learning Systems  Action learning Development strategies  Succession management  Career management  Individual development plans  Team development plans  Rotational assignments Non-training/learning strategies  Mentoring  Coaching  Knowledge management/communities of practice  Job aids  Reference material  Embedded help/instructions  Project assignments  Informal learning  Certification/qualification Performance improvement  Performance consulting  Integrated performance solutions PHASE 4: Future L&D System Architecture

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