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ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture29]

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Presentation on theme: "ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture29]"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture29]

2 Chapter 10: The Moon Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon

3 Chapter 10: The Moon Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon

4 Chapter 10: The Moon Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon

5 Chapter 10: The Moon


7 Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon


9 Crater Clavius Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon

10 Mare Imbrium Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon

11 Mare Tranquillitatis Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon




15 Chapter 10: The Moon


17 Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon


19 Chapter 10: The Moon Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon


21 Chapter 10: The Moon Relationship to Earth Surface features –Maria (plural for ‘Mare’) –Highlands –Craters/Mountains Interior structure Formation Exploration of the Moon

22 Exploration of the Moon (unmanned spacecrafts) 1959: Lunas 1, 2, & 3 (Soviet) Early 1960s: Project Ranger (U.S.) 1966 – 1967: Five Lunar Orbiter spacecraft (U.S.) 1966 – 1968: Five (U.S.) Surveyor spacecraft made soft landings on lunar surface others … 1994: Clementine (U.S.) 2004 – 2006: SMART-1 (European Space Agency)

23 Exploration of the Moon (human exploration) Mercury program (1 astronaut) Gemini program (2 astronauts) Apollo program (3 astronauts)

24 December 1968: Apollo 8 “Earthrise”

25 First Astronauts on the Moon 20 July 1969: Apollo 11

26 November, 1969: Apollo 12

27 Surveyor 3 (1967)

28 July 1971: Apollo 15

29 April, 1972: Apollo 16


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