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N- XYTER Front-End Boards Christian J. Schmidt, GSI Darmstadt 13. CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, Darmstadt, March 10 – 13, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "N- XYTER Front-End Boards Christian J. Schmidt, GSI Darmstadt 13. CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, Darmstadt, March 10 – 13, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 n- XYTER Front-End Boards Christian J. Schmidt, GSI Darmstadt 13. CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, Darmstadt, March 10 – 13, 2009

2 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 "Simple" FEB for the n-XYTER Starter Kit A simple hybrid PCB with signal fan-in, ADC and interconnect to SysCore DAQ chain Allow development of the DAQ chain Allow the readout of various detector prototypes, using the n-XYTER front- end chip The September beam time has shown the whole signal chain operative! Silicon Strip / GEM Gas Detectors --- n-XYTER --- SysCore DAQ System

3 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 n-XYTER FEB: At the limits of PCB-technology Chip-In-Board solution avoids space eating vias allows pitch adaptation: 50,7 µm on chip to PCB side 101,4 µm on two levels Interference point of many technologies, each imposing limiting boundary conditions: A simple hybrid PCB with signal fan-in, ADC and interconnect to SysCore DAQ chain

4 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 n-XYTER FEB Rev. C In spite of bonding difficulties, managed to realize 10 Rev. C boards, fully functional 4 rev. B boards with 64 channels functional (the other 64 may be employed for direct silicon det. tests) We are striving to get the entire system (FEB, SysCore, software) packaged to allow shipment. Volker Kleipa is on board at GSI since January.

5 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 Complex Mulitlayer Data Chain Detector n-XYTER-FEB n-XYTER FEB and Bonding Technology Documentation (Manual) ADC Interconnect SysCore Firmware Embedded software Soft configuration Ethernet-Interconnect PC and DAQ KNUT GUI DAQ System Realize software design freeze to be packaged Missing still: diagnostic toolbox for system analysis to make successful deployment in other labs feasible

6 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 n-XYTER FEBs FEB-Rev D: next version to implement all learnings Relieve PCB specs by tightening bonding necessities and challenge Targeted 125µm pitch, ILFA insists on 140 µm (gap + copper shoulders + 70 µm landing width for bonding) Chip-In-Board, two layer bonding and metal in-lay cooling contact GEM-TPC FEB: ongoing dual n-XYTER for PANDA GEM-TPC n-XYTER Quattro: STS-Baby-Sensor double sided readout  towards a beam telescope

7 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 n-XYTER Quatro: Double Sided Silicon Readout Read-Out of double sided Si, 256 x 256 channels First setup to occupy complete capacities of one SysCore Several Moduls may be set-up to make a beam telescope FEE of both sides live on one potential!  Rely upon readout-caps!

8 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009 New Detector Lab Facilities at GSI 600 m 2 of climatized cleanroom space with relative humidity down to 20% cleanroom class 10000 in general and better locally dedicated bonding labs forseen Additional 600 m 2 available for detector testing, storage and other activities Additional 100 m 2 of high clearance (10m headroom), dedicated device setup space (detector integration and tests) Construction of the new GSI Detector Lab has commenced! Located between GSI UNILAC and the CBM Offices (C27)

9 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009

10 13th CBM Collaboration Meeting, GSI, March 10-13th 2009

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