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10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Accelerator & Detector 1.Accelerator 2. Tevatron 3. Detector 4. CDF Detector.

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Presentation on theme: "10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Accelerator & Detector 1.Accelerator 2. Tevatron 3. Detector 4. CDF Detector."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Accelerator & Detector 1.Accelerator 2. Tevatron 3. Detector 4. CDF Detector

2 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Introduction Accelerators employ electric fields to accelerate stable charged particles(electrons, protons, heavier icons) to high energies. - why high energy : uncertainty relations Linear accelerators(linacs) - SLC Cyclic accelerators(synchrotrons) – LHC, CERN

3 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Some Present-day accelerators Proton synchrotronsLocationEnergy(GeV) CERN LHCGeneva7000X7000 BNL RHICBrookhaven, Long Island250X250 TevatronBatavia, Illinois1000 Electron AcceleratorLocationEnergy(GeV) PEP-II (Barbar)Stanford, California e-: 7~12, e+:2.5~4 KEKB (Belle)Tsukuba, Japan e-:8 e+:3.5 CESR (CLEO)Ithaca, New York e-: 6 e+:6 HERA (ZEUS)Hamburg e:30 p:920

4 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Tevatron Cockroft-Walton750 KeV Linac400 Mev Booster8 GeV Main Injector150 GeV Tevatron1 TeV History / Plan Run Ib (1994-1996) Run IIa (2001- ) Energy(TeV)1.82 Bunch Spacing (nsec)3500396 Luminosity (x10 31 cm-2 sec-1) 1.6(typical) > 3.5 (record) 10 Interactions per crossing1-2 Luminosity Region (cm)30 Integrated Luminosity (fb -1 )0.12

5 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Picture of Fermilab Main Injector  p source Booster CDF DØ

6 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) View of the World Detectors

7 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Collider Detector at Fermilab Tracking system - Si detector, ISL, Calorimeter system - EM cal, Hadron cal Muon system - Muon chamber

8 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) MC using ROOT

9 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Silicon Detector for RunIIb Upgrade Test of the RunIIb Si Detecotor Setup - High Voltage(100V) : Silicon sensor - Low Voltage(2.5V) : SVX4 Chip - Vcal(160mV) : PMC (Injection Charge) Test of Layer0 & Half Stave - Test : svxdaq (B/W, Vcal, H/V) in FCC - Make Plot : makePlot and ROOT

10 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) CDF RunII Physics Electroweak QCD B Physics Top quark Exotics (SUSY etc) KNU students - Diphoton - Higgs - B physics - Central PreRadiator - R-parity violations scalar leptons - Silicon Detectors

11 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) References 1) The CDF IIb DETECTORS TECHNICAL DESIGN ROPORT (The CDF IIb Collaboration, Sep 2002) 2) Introduction to High Energy Physics, 4 th Edition (DONALD H. PERKINS, Cambridge University Press)

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