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Superheroes – why do we like them? Why do we read stories?

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Presentation on theme: "Superheroes – why do we like them? Why do we read stories?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Superheroes – why do we like them? Why do we read stories?

2  Who are we? A group of children in the 6 th class, wandering on the story land.  What are we doing? We are trying to find out how people used stories in order to transmit their culture and make sense of past and present events and how technology has changed the way in which people tell stories.

3 Hey there, as the title says, this unit is about superheroes, and about why we like them. I think that almost the whole world likes superheroes and I really have no idea why. Maybe it's the special suits, the superpowers, the fact they do things we can't? Keep on reading and you'll find out! The idea of creatures with superhuman powers and skills is almost as old as man itself. The origins of it go back to Ancient Greece and to the Roman Empire. Just think of the many gods and goddesses, myths and legends about people with superhuman traits. People back then listened to these stories and carried on from one generation to the next.

4 I don't think it's just because of the story itself - I mean, everyone can write a story in a fantastical setting but that doesn't mean people will like it or even relate to your main character. I believe we like these so-called super humans, not because they are something we do not see in real life, but because they are different from us, special. Superheroes are often portrayed as people who transcend normal values and ethics. They apparently do not get affected by greed, misery or thirst for power. Above all, heroes inspire us. Reading about their heroic acts inspires us ‘borrow’ the same principles, some kind of role model if you will.

5 In many cases, these were just ordinary humans, but something happened that changed them. Just think of Spider-Man who was bitten by a genetically altered spider. And in some cases, they're still humans without superpowers, who can bleed just like us. Think of Iron-Man who is just a man in a suit. Even though a heroes' popularity is dependent on their range of superpowers, but it's also decided by the setting they are placed in. Just think of Batman and Gotham City, a dark and damp place full of corruption and crime. Batman is a perfect fit for such an environment as he is 'The Dark Knight' who deals with criminals head on, which is very different from heroes like Su perman.

6 We are attracted to superheroes because they often lead 2 lives, one as a normal person with a job, or even a family and another life as a superhero who spends his time saving the ones in need. The concept of having a secret life is appealing to a lot of people, I believe, because you can become whoever you want to be.

7 Mostly children really like superheroes but parents can't deny that secretly they still look up to Superman and hope that maybe, one day they'll be able to do the things he does and be a role model yourself. But, in real life people with superpowers don't exist but that does mean we don't have heroes. The real heroes of the world are parents, maybe teachers, firemen, policemen, businessmen, athletes, celebrities or musicians or whoever does his best to help others, to do good things.

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