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Unit-6 Introduction to E-Commerce Prepared By:-Prof H.M.Patel.

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1 Unit-6 Introduction to E-Commerce Prepared By:-Prof H.M.Patel

2 Introduction to E-Commerce. Commerce means the exchange of products and services between business groups and individuals. Commerce or trade can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) uses information and communication technology to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses Electronic commerce involves interactive marketing process and payment processes on WWW

3 Scope of Electronic commerce(e-commerce) The e-commerce transactions can be either buy-side e-commerce or sell-side e-commerce. Both types of e-commerce are relying on Internet technologies.

4 1. Buy-side e-commerce Buy-side e-commerce refers to transactions to procure resources needed by an organization from its suppliers i.e., e-commerce transactions between a purchasing organization and its suppliers. Examples of buy-side e-commerce activities are product discovery, product evaluation, terms negotiations, order placement, order tracking, order payment, product service and support. 2. Sell-side e-commerce Sell-side e-commerce refers to transactions involved with selling products to an organization’s customer i.e., e-commerce transactions between a supplier organization and its customer. Examples of sell-side e-commerce are market research, market stimulation, terms negotiations, order receipt, order selection, order billing, payment, delivery, customer service and support.


6 Essential IT Services for e-commerce The information technology services required for Electronic commerce are: 1. Internet 2. Intranets 3. extranets E-commerce is mainly supported by following IT services: 1. Electronic mail 2. Electronic fund transfer 3. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 4. Credit cards 5. Smart cards

7 Transactions on E-Commerce. 1. B2C E- Commerce 2. B2B E-Commerce 3. C2C E-Commerce

8 B2C E- Commerce

9 B2B E-Commerce

10 C2C E-Commerce

11 Requirement of security on E-Commerce.



14 Secure Electronic Payments / Electronic Payment Processes

15 Requirements for security system 1. Authentication 2. Privacy and confidentiality 3. Integrity (Not be Correpted) 4. Non-repudiability (Not Let Send msg) 5. Availability

16 Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)

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