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Unit 7.4 Introduction to modelling & presenting numeric data Lesson 1 Setting up a basic spreadsheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7.4 Introduction to modelling & presenting numeric data Lesson 1 Setting up a basic spreadsheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7.4 Introduction to modelling & presenting numeric data Lesson 1 Setting up a basic spreadsheet

2 What are we doing today? We are learning to set up a basic spreadsheet with simple formulae and formatting What I’m looking for a well-formatted spreadsheet with correct calculations This is because spreadsheets need to be correct and laid out correctly to be properly understood

3 What do you know about spreadsheets? Create a spider diagram with ‘Spreadsheets’ in the middle circle Around the outside write all the things you can remember about spreadsheets 5 minutes!!!

4 Each cell has a unique cell reference e.g. D8 Text labels Columns (letters) Rows (numbers) Value Active Cell A worksheet

5 Formula Start with = then create the formula When you press Enter, the formula will automatically be calculated. Formulae can also be viewed and edited here in the formula bar.

6 Formulae All formula must start with= To add something, use+ To subtract something, use- To multiply something, use* To divide something, use/

7 Your Task Complete the worksheet 5 minutes!

8 Formula Practice Go onto the VLE ICT > Years 7-9 > Year 7 > Topic 3 – Modelling > Lesson 1 Test Your Skills.xls Save it into your user area and then open it Complete the formulae

9 Your Project

10 Shopping List Worksheet Set up the spreadsheet as shown Like this

11 Homework Worksheet Explain what the people on the worksheet might use a spreadsheet for

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