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SC Standard 6-5.1 Forms of Energy Crossroads Middle School.

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1 SC Standard 6-5.1 Forms of Energy Crossroads Middle School

2 SC Standard 6-5.1 HeatSolarChemicalElectricalMechanical change Energy is the ability to cause change in an object. motion position The change can involve either the motion or the position of an object or its particles. forms Energy can exist in many different forms. We will focus on five types of energy this year. Can you guess what kind of energy each picture represents? Energy

3 SC Standard 6-5.1 particles -All matter is made up of particles too small to be seen. These particles are always moving. motion allall -Thermal energy is the energy of the motion of these particles. Since all matter has particles that move, all matter has thermal energy. Thermal Energy

4 SC Standard 6-5.1 transfer -Heat energy is the transfer of thermal energy 42°C 22°C The yellow box has more thermal energy than the blue box When they touch thermal energy transfers from yellow to blue 42°C 41°C40°C 23°C 24°C39°C38°C37°C36°C35°C34°C33°C32°C 25°C 26°C 27°C 28°C 29°C 30°C 31°C 32°C Heat Heat Energy

5 SC Standard 6-5.1 Heat Energy (continued) faster - As heat is added to a substance, the particles move faster and the temperature goes up. higher - The faster the particles move, the higher the temperature. Sunelectricity burning - Sources of heat energy: the Sun, electricity, or any material that is burning (wood, candle wax, coal). icewatersteam Heat Energy

6 SC Standard 6-5.1 Heat Thermal Energy and Heat a.All matter is made up of particles too small to be seen. These particles are always moving. b.Thermal energy is the energy of the motion of these particles. All matter has thermal energy because all matter is made of particles that move. c.Heat energy is the transfer of thermal energy. d.As heat is added to a substance, the particles move faster and the temperature goes up. e.The faster the particles move, the higher the temperature. f.Sources of heat energy: the Sun, electricity, or any material that is burning (wood, candle wax, coal). Click the boxes below to select the statements that are true. Thermal Energy and Heat

7 SC Standard 6-5.1 heatlight - Solar Energy is energy from the Sun, which provides heat and light energy for Earth. electrical - Solar cells can be used to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Solar Energy

8 SC Standard 6-5.1 photosynthesis chemical - Green plants use solar energy during photosynthesis to produce sugar, which contains stored chemical energy. Sun - Most of the energy we use on Earth originally came from the Sun. Solar Energy

9 SC Standard 6-5.1 What do you feel when you rub your hands together? Can you trace this thermal energy back to the Sun? Sun  Plants  Food  You You get energy from eating food that got energy from the Sun. Solar Energy

10 SC Standard 6-5.1 Solar Solar Energy a.Solar energy energy from the Sun, which provides heat and light energy for Earth. b.Solar cells an be used to convert solar energy to electrical energy. c.Green plants use solar energy during photosynthesis to produce sugar, which contains stored chemical energy. d.Most of the energy we use on Earth originally came from the Sun. Which of the following use photosynthesis to turn solar energy into chemical energy? Solar Energy

11 SC Standard 6-5.1 Click the boxes below to select the statements that are true. Solar 2.Solar Energy a.Solar energy is energy from the Sun, which provides heat and light energy for Earth. b.Solar cells an be used to convert solar energy to electrical energy. c.Green plants use solar energy during photosynthesis to produce sugar, which contains stored chemical energy. d.Most of the energy we use on Earth originally came from the Sun.

12 SC Standard 6-5.1 stored - Chemical energy is energy stored in particles of matter. released new - Chemical energy can be released when these particles react to form new substances. batteries - Sources of chemical energy: batteries, food, or fuel. We do not usually see the effects of chemical energy until it is released and transforms. What forms of energy does chemical energy transform into below? ElectricalHeat, Light and Sound Chemical Energy in your muscles (or fat) Chemical Energy

13 SC Standard 6-5.1 circuit - Electrical energy is the energy flowing in an electric circuit. - Sources of electrical energy include: chemical i.Stored chemical energy in batteries ii.Solar ii.Solar energy in solar cells hydroelectric iii.Fuel or hydroelectric energy in generators. These are pictures of different ways we can produce electricity. They all require magnets except one. Hydroelectric Solar Fossil Fuels Nuclear Wind Electrical Energy

14 SC Standard 6-5.1 Click the boxes below to select the statements that are true. Chemical Energy a.Chemical energy is energy stored in particles of matter. b.Chemical energy can be released, for example in batteries or food, when these particles react to form new substances. Chemical Electrical Electrical Energy a.Electrical energy is the energy flowing in an electric circuit. b.Sources of electrical energy include: i.Stored chemical energy in batteries ii.Solar energy in solar cells iii.Fuel or hydroelectric energy in generators. Chemical and Electric Energy

15 SC Standard 6-5.1 -Mechanical energy comes in two forms. motion othe motion of an object (kinetic energy) position othe position of an object (potential energy) Mechanical Energy

16 SC Standard 6-5.1 motion -Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. moving -A moving car has kinetic energy. faster -If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Kinetic Energy

17 SC Standard 6-5.1 position -Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. stretched -A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. potential -Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. Mechanical Potential Energy

18 SC Standard 6-5.1 Which ball has the most kinetic energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

19 SC Standard 6-5.1 least Which ball has the least kinetic energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

20 SC Standard 6-5.1 Which ball has the least amount of mechanical energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

21 SC Standard 6-5.1 mechanical Why doesn’t the black ball have mechanical energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

22 SC Standard 6-5.1 kinetic Which balls below have kinetic energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

23 SC Standard 6-5.1 kinetic Why do the blue and yellow balls have kinetic energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

24 SC Standard 6-5.1 Which balls below have potential energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

25 SC Standard 6-5.1 potential Why do the red and yellow balls have potential energy? Mechanical Mechanical energy can be kinetic or potential. a.Mechanical potential energy is stored energy related to the position of an object. A stretched rubber band has potential energy because it will move when let go. Water behind a dam has potential energy because it can fall down the dam. b.Mechanical kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Kinetic energy increases as an object moves faster. A moving car has kinetic energy. If a car moves faster, it has more kinetic energy. Mechanical Energy

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