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Welcome Address Shin-ichi Kurokawa KEK ILCSC Chair International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Hayama, Japan May 20, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Address Shin-ichi Kurokawa KEK ILCSC Chair International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Hayama, Japan May 20, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Address Shin-ichi Kurokawa KEK ILCSC Chair International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders Hayama, Japan May 20, 2006

2 This School is hosted by KEK and organized jointly by: - ILCSC - ICFA Beam Dynamics Panel - GDE - 535 applicants from 44 countries - 74 students from 18 countries were selected - 20 lecturers from the world Institutes and funding agencies from each region support students and lecturers from the region

3 ICFA International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA has been helping to guide international cooperation on and try to realize the Linear Collider more than 10 years. 2002 Nov: ICFA has established the ILC Steering Committee (ILCSC, 1 st Chair Maury Tigner, 2 nd Chair SK) 2003 Nov: ICFA/ILCSC set up International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP, Chair Barry Barish) 2004 Aug: Decision on cold technology by ICFA endorsing ITRP recommendation 2005 Mar: Creation of Global Design Effort (GDE, Director Barry Barish) by ICFA/ILCSC

4 ITRP Recommendation endorsed by ICFA in August 2004 ICFA has decided on superconducting technology for the future linear collider (LC), by endorsing the resolution of the international technology recommendation panel (ITRP) created by ILCSC under ICFA. The ITRP report emphasizes the importance of world-wide unified approach as a single team to design the international linear collider (ILC).

5 Global project named International Linear Collider (ILC)

6 Global Design Effort (GDE) ILCSC set up a committee with Paul Grannis as Chair to select a Director for the GDE. February 2005, at TRIUMF, ILCSC and ICFA unanimously endorsed the Committee’s choice. On March 18, 2005 Barry Barish officially accepted the position at the opening of LCWS 05 meeting at Stanford.

7 ILC DGE ILC-MOU : Signed on May 10, 2005


9 I believe that time is ripe for us to realize the truly global ILC. Let us collaborate, by overcoming differences among us and regions, for the realization of ILC. Young students like you are people who will/shall realize the truly global ILC !

10 恰同学少年 風華正茂 書生意氣 揮斥方遒 Young we were, schoolmates, At life’s full flowering; Filled with students enthusiasm Boldly we cast all restraints aside From Mao Zedong (Chansha 長沙 )

11 Thank you for your attention!

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