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“All In” Leadership Spencer Sulflow. My Strengths Achiever Belief Competition Connectedness Includer.

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Presentation on theme: "“All In” Leadership Spencer Sulflow. My Strengths Achiever Belief Competition Connectedness Includer."— Presentation transcript:

1 “All In” Leadership Spencer Sulflow

2 My Strengths Achiever Belief Competition Connectedness Includer

3 Heart Action Expression Hard Work Relationships Results

4 Heart Belief Family/Community Reflection Positivity Honesty

5 Action Live It Out Lead by Example Get the Job Done

6 Expression Words have power Clarity and Understanding Conversation between individuals Relational Leadership

7 Heart in My Life Pride in my work Be the best I can be Believe I can make a difference ex: Honors Program

8 Action in My Life Sports Encouraging others to work hard Transferred this to all other areas of my life

9 Expression in My Life My biggest struggle Mainly in front of crowds I have improved immensely When I am able to, people listen and understand

10 The Conference and My Theory Heart All members believed in the purpose Action Being present, contributing to group work, being willing Expression Input of ideas in groups, communication with individuals at the conference, smiles

11 My Growth Strengths: Competition, Belief Expression was my biggest growth area Always struggled with speaking in general Talking to groups and announcing awards


13 Expression Heart Action Positive Circumstances Negative Circumstances

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