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NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Cyber.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Cyber."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Cyber Literacy Chapter 1 The Cyber world and Cyber Citizenship *You may either write or type your notes and activities Paraphrase your notes!

2 Overview We’ll learn about being a good cyber citizen, and cyber ethics

3 Terms to Know Digital media Virtual Cyberspace Cyber literacy Cyber citizen Cyber citizenship Digital natives *All of these terms will be underlined

4 Living in the Digital Age First computers were built during World War II- they were very large and were used by a team of engineers Personal computers were developed in the 1970’s Digital media- websites, software, MP3 files Digital media enables us to accomplish things easier and quicker Virtual - places that exist online but not in the real world

5 World War 2 Computer (Early 1940’s) Personal computer: 1975

6 What are the major changes between old computers and today’s computers? More compact More variations (now we have laptops and tablets) Faster More storage What do you think?

7 Old Computer Commercials 1970's Apple commercial 1984 IBM commercial

8 Cyberworld and Cyberspace Cyberspace - the online environment of the cyber world in which communications take place We can conduct research online from anywhere, instead of using books at the library

9 Cyber Literacy Cyber literacy- Being proficient in the use of new technologies and comfortable in the atmosphere of cyberspace We should be able to: -Know how to use software -Do research online -Keep current -Adapt -Understand how technology can be used

10 Pros and Cons of Technology Pros -Quick access to information -Ease of communication -Productivity Cons -Overuse of technology -Social isolation- look at other people when you go to a restaurant-how many people are on their phone or tablet? -Growing too dependent

11 Citizens of the Cyberworld Cyber citizen- a member of the global online community Cyber citizenship- taking responsibility for your role in cyberspace and engaging in positive and ethical decision making Digital natives- people who were born after the invention of digital technology and have grown up using it *We are all digital natives, so understanding technology comes easier to us than our parents our grandparents

12 Your Role as a Cyber Citizen Use respectful and kind language Treat others how you want to be treated Don’t share private information Don’t plagiarize/ steal information Protect yourself and computer by following security measures

13 Respect and Responsibility Respect- Be courteous of others Responsibility- taking charge for your actions

14 Online Ethics Ethics- the moral principles we follow as citizens We use ethics to make choices every day, online and offline Think about what is considered ethical and unethical when using online information

15 Digital native learner video

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