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Soul of Next Economy INDIGENOMICS September 26 th 2015 Calgary By Carol Anne Hilton, MBA.

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Presentation on theme: "Soul of Next Economy INDIGENOMICS September 26 th 2015 Calgary By Carol Anne Hilton, MBA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soul of Next Economy INDIGENOMICS September 26 th 2015 Calgary By Carol Anne Hilton, MBA

2 WHAT IS INDIGENOMICS? Indigenomics is about understanding indigenous ways of being and worldview Contrasting modern economic experience and linking to business and governance It is our the modern expression of indigenous existence It is an indigenous approach to global crisis How do indigenous communities build our direct influence and local economy ?

3 About Indigenomics draws on ancient principles that have supported indigenous economies for thousands of years, and works to implement them as modern practices. Indigenomics is about understanding and exploring the Indigenous ways of being, the contrasts with modern economics and traditional systems while outlining characteristics of emerging ecological business models

4 Context

5 Canadian Media Understand perception Understanding context Ownership, control, right Fear Success Indigenomics- space to understand, recognize, ask questions and reconcile thinking

6 Headlines National Post August 19 th 2015 – Confronting the Aboriginal Question Question of strategy, risk, relationship Warning- Do NOT READ the fine print!

7 Confronting the Aboriginal Question …’the Aboriginal question by far is the most complex and consequential one for Canada today and for the foreseeable future.’ ‘will have to address the myriad of Aboriginal issues that will shape the future of our country’

8 Canadian Headlines


10 Shifting Influence 20 percent of Canada’s land base is controlled directly by First Nations – shifting sphere of influence 170+ legal cases won in Supreme Court Increasing purpose of local economy- to organize, to practice- raise economic baseline of humanity-> true place based economics is values based humanity

11 Role of First Nations Understanding of First nations role in Canadian economy Values Worldview Opportunity

12 Responsibility Government First Nations Corporations ‘ We have seen the degradation of responsibility in our lifetime ’ First Nation Elder

13 EMERGING LANGUAGE How many types of economies do we see? –Green economy! Circular economy! Sharing economy! Collaborative economy! Gift economy! What are we converging upon? - Indigenous values and ways of being- remembering how to be in relation to each other Characteristics of local economy and new language of economy- co-operation, sharing, reciprocity, balance, harmony, co-existence, interconnection, and respect- the foundation of our ways of being

14 Indigenomics is a contribution to the new world of thinking- where economics, productivity and prosperity are aligned with human values locally Economy behind the economy- the values that spin the relationship between nature and human kind- the life force of intention Maybe hish uk ish tsa walk is the real ‘invisible hand’ – everything is one and interrelated

15 #indigenomics Social media Conversation around First Nations relations, conflict, governance and corporate relations Find threads of understanding

16 Connecting Carol Anne Hilton, MBA Website Cell 250 508 1778 Email Twitter @Hesquiaht

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