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Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots January 29, 2016 Contact Info: 765-749-7647 (personal number) Cowan website:

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots January 29, 2016 Contact Info: 765-749-7647 (personal number) Cowan website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots January 29, 2016 Contact Info: 765-749-7647 (personal number) Cowan website: Poem of the week: Snowman Congratulations to: Jay for memorizing this week’s poem of the week! Word of the week: Saw Word family: -ig (big, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, rig, wig) Wednesday February 3 rd – Mismatched shoe day Tuesday, February 9 th – Skating Party 6:30-8:30 Friday, February 12 th – Valentine’s Day Parties Monday, February 15 th – 1 st snow make-up day! Please note that we do have school this day! Friday, February 19 th – Yearbook Orders Due We had an awesome time celebrating our 100 th day of school on Monday! Everyone’s shirts looked great. We had fun making our 100 day hats, doing 100 exercises, popping 100 balloons in the gym, doing a 100 day relay, and doing 7 different centers all related to 100 day or the number 100! We ended the day with a tasty 100 day snack. I hope your child enjoyed the special day we planned, and that they have already told you all about the fun we had! mClass results went home yesterday. If there was a paper attached to your child’s results requesting a conference, please make sure you return that as soon as possible. In addition, report card testing has started happening as well. As I am testing, if I find an area that your child is particularly struggling with, I will send work related to that topic home. As part of the 3 rd nine weeks report card, your child must be able to count to 100. Any child that cannot count to 100 will be receiving a counting log similar to the book log you record reading homework on every night. Your child will be able to get rid of the counting log as soon as they are able to count to 100. Please don’t forget about our Walk-a-mile Wednesdays! Our goal this year is to raise $5,000. This week, our class raised $43! The class that raises the most money each week gets an extra reward time with Mr. Black in the gym. This week, Mrs. Crabtree’s class won the reward! Let's bring some friendly competition this week and see if we can win that reward! Remember, all of this money goes to support the Muncie Mission! As a reminder, here are the special days for the remaining weeks: Wednesday, February 3 rd – Mismatched Shoe Day Wednesday, February 10 th - No Shoe Day This week, we continued our study of addition. This week we practiced adding by drawing pictures. We also reviewed using manipulatives such as counting bears, dominoes, and dice. In reading, we began a new unit. For the next2 weeks we will be talking about writing a summary. Ask your child to tell you what a summary is this week. A sticker will be given to any child that can tell me what a summary is on Monday. This will replace this week’s secret word, but the child must tell me this information on Monday! We also enjoyed reading lots of snowmen books this week! Next week, our theme will be groundhogs and shadows. Groundhog Day is on Tuesday – fingers crossed he gives us good news! New in January: Phonics homework. On Wednesdays a phonics paper for that week's word family will be in your child's bookpocket. Please practice the words and phrases with your child, and then return the paper in their bookpocket on Thursday. Students will be tested by myself and Mrs. Smith to check for mastery of that week's word family. If your child's paper is returned with any circled words, please work on the paper at home, and return it when they have mastered them. Several children are not returning the paper on Thursdays. Please make sure you are doing this. Make sure you are sticking to the dress code in the handbook. We have had some little girls wearing tights or leggings that are meant for underneath dresses as pants. They are thin and see through. They are also falling down a lot and showing more of them than is appropriate. Please make sure you are mindful of this when dressing your child for school. They are in kindergarten and are moving, on the ground, and playing a lot.

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