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ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 1 Implementation of EC Decision No. 479 from 17 July 2000 on EPER (European Pollutant Emission Register) in ROMANIA.

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Presentation on theme: "ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 1 Implementation of EC Decision No. 479 from 17 July 2000 on EPER (European Pollutant Emission Register) in ROMANIA."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 1 Implementation of EC Decision No. 479 from 17 July 2000 on EPER (European Pollutant Emission Register) in ROMANIA Daniela FLOREA Mihaela BEU Romanian National Environmental Guard

2 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 2 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA” Transposition – legal framework  Directive 96/61/CE concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) (Of. J No.1078/30.11.2005).  EGO (Emergency Governmental Ordinace) No. 152/2005 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (Of. J No.1078/30.11.2005).  Decision 2000/479/EC on the implementation of a European pollutant Emission Register (EPER) according to Article 15 of Directive 96/61/CE  MO (Ministerial Order No. 1144/2003 (Of.J No. 35/22.01.2003) concerning the establishment of the Register of the pollutants released in the environment by the economical activities under the provisions of EGO No. 152/2005

3 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 3 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA”  The order of the minister of water and environmental protection No. 1440/2003 (Of.J No. 177/20.03.2003) for approval of the National Guidance for Pollutant Emissison Register Transposition – legal framework  Guidance document for EPER implementation, in accordance to Article 3 of Decision 2000/479/EC;

4 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 4 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA” Advantages:  Data base  Public tool for monitoring of the progress of environmental policies  Public access on the information  A tool which increase the public awareness related to environmental pollution  Improve the environmental management  Harmonize the reporting requirements  Supply the additional information for evaluation of the environmental quality

5 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 5 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA” Advantages:  Facilitate the knowledge of the concept about “installation” given by Article 2 of the Directive 96/61/CE  Separate the association between the type of activity and the codes of the European statistic system  Validate the data, administration, confidentiality  Recommends for the methods of emissions measuring

6 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 6 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA”  It is the prove of the awareness of the economical agents which develop the activities mentioned in the Annex I of Directive 96/61/CE (IPPC) related to their duties;  PER represents an important cuantified result in the process of the evaluation of the implementation stage of the Directive 96/61/CE.

7 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 7 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA” The reporting requirements stipulated in Article 3 of the The reporting requirements stipulated in Article 3 of the MO No. 1144/2003 which transpose the Decision 2000/479/EC on the of EPER are in the responsibility of the Technical implementation of EPER are in the responsibility of the Technical Secretariat of the PER the following:  Elaboration of the first report by the end of 2003 with the emission data from 2001 and 2002;  Elaboration of the second report by the end of 2005 with the emission data from 2004;  Starting with 2008 the Technical Secretariat of the PER will elaborate the annual report related the PER that will be approve by the Inter-ministerial Committee.

8 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 8 RESPONSIBLE BODIES FOR EPER IMPLEMENTATION  Local EPAs – collect the data and elaborate the PER at the county level;  Regional EPAs – centralize the data received from the EPAs and elaborate the regional PER;  National EPA – collect all the data from REPAs and elaborate the national PER;  MEWM- Technical Secretariat of EPER analyses the national PER and introduces the relevant conclusions into plans, strategies etc;  National Environmental Guard with its regional and local structures - collaborate with the EPAs and REPAs by helping them in identifying the economical agents and verifying if they report in time the data related the emissions in air and water that must be included in PER.

9 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 9 “POLLUTANT EMISSION REGISTER (PER) IN ROMANIA”  The first report was realized in 2003. From the total of 860 economical unit, inventoried in 2003, 240 were filled in the reports with the over takings of the thresholds established by the MO No.1144/2003, for one or more pollutants in air and water.  In 2005 was elaborated the second report of the PER. All of the economical units inventoried as IPPC installations (716) were reported their emissions from 2004.

10 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 10 AIR EMISSIONS EPER - AIR POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 1. Environment issues CH4 46528100 CO 1543682.9500 CO 2 5992443100000 HFCs 3.6560.1 N20N20 1430.90610 NH3 3729.12310 NMVOC 9370100 NOx 14173100 PFCs 0.00434760.1 SF 6 0.0019560.05 SOx 115004.06150

11 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 11 AIR EMISSIONS EPER - AIR POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 2. Metal and componds As and compounds 0.08330.02 Cd and compounds 0.6630.01 Cr and compounds 760.1 Cu and compounds 0.5780.1 Hg and compounds 0.1870.01 Ni and compounds 2.40.05 Pb and compounds 22.230.2 Zn and compounds 7.050.2

12 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 12 AIR EMISSIONS EPER - AIR POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 3. Chlorinated organic substances Dichloroethane 1.2 (DCE) 0.9521 Dichloromethane (DCM) 0 1 Hexachlorobenzen (HCB) 0 0.01 Hexachlorocyclohexan (HCH) 0 0.01 Dioxins+furans (PCDD+PCDF) 3.748E-070.000001 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 0 0.01 Tetrachloroethylene (PER) 0 2 Tetrachloromethan (TCM) 0 0.1 Triclorbenzene (TCB) 0 0.01 Tricloretan - 1,1,1, (TCE) 0 0.1 Tricloretilena (TRI) 0 2 Triclormetan 0 0.5

13 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 13 AIR EMISSIONS EPER - AIR POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 4. Other organic compounds Benzene 0.44521 Polycyclyc aromatic hydrocarbons 0.1220.05 5. Other compounds Chlorine and inorganic compounds 125610 Flourine and inorganic compounds 14.2025 HCN 0.021750.2 PM 10 1428.9650

14 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 14 WATER EMISSIONS EPER – WATER POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 1. Environment issues Total nitrogen 99951650 Total phosphorus 195685 2. Metal and componds As and compounds 0.1170.005 Cd and compounds 2.290.005 Cr and compounds 862.80.05 Cu and compounds 55.570.05 Hg and compounds 0.16870.001 Ni and compounds 0.57190.02 Pb and compounds 1.430.02 Zn and compounds 25.080.1

15 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 15 WATER EMISSIONS EPER – WATER POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 3. Chlorinated organic substances Dichloroethane 1.2 (DCE) 0 0.01 Dichloromethane (DCM) 0 0.01 Chloro -alkanes (C10-13) 8010.001 Hexachlorobenzen (HCB) 0 0.001 Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) 0 0.001 Hexachlorocyclohexan (HCH) 0 0.001 Halogenated organic compounds 1601

16 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 16 WATER EMISSIONS EPER – WATER POLLUTANTS Poluant/ substances The biggest amount of emmissions recorded by an economical agent (tons/year) Thresholds (tons/year) 4. Other organic compounds Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes 0.09470.2 Brominated diphenyleter 0 0.001 Organotin compounds (as total Sn) 0 0.05 Polycyclyc aromatic hydrocarbons 0.002950.005 Phenols 23.20.02 Total organic carbon (TOC) 4784.8950 5. Other compounds Chlorides 90117.5562000 Cyanides 10.50.05 Fluorides 145682

17 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 17 All the data related the Romanian PER presented in this document were provided by National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA). Fore more information please contact NEPA on the web site:

18 ECENA Plenary meeting 19-20 January 2006 18 Thank you for your attention!

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