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II. New Stone Age. A. Neolithic Age 10,000-5000 years ago New Stone Age Marks the end of the last Ice Age Average world temperature increases Polish stones.

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Presentation on theme: "II. New Stone Age. A. Neolithic Age 10,000-5000 years ago New Stone Age Marks the end of the last Ice Age Average world temperature increases Polish stones."— Presentation transcript:

1 II. New Stone Age

2 A. Neolithic Age 10,000-5000 years ago New Stone Age Marks the end of the last Ice Age Average world temperature increases Polish stones to make fine edges and sharp points

3 B. Development of Farming Neolithic Revolution – A shift from gathering food to producing food Also known as the agricultural revolution Farming is the most important development


5 Humans began to produce more food than they ate Permits larger and healthier populations Most people stop being nomadic and settled in villages Urban Revolution – Development of the first cities

6 C. Early Farming Methods Slash-and-Burn Farming – People clear fields by cutting and burning Ashes fertilize the soil Farmers plant crops for two years and then move on to another land

7 Good Bye Rainforest

8 D. Domestication of Animals Domestication – Taming of animals Provides a reliable supply of meat First domesticated animals included the horse, dogs, pigs, and goats

9 E. Growth of Villages Shift from hunting and gathering to farming and herding occurred in several places People in many parts of the world worked independently to develop agriculture around the same time

10 Question Without knowing what other people around the world were doing how were humans around the world able to develop farming at the same time? Warming of world climates

11 Bye Bye Glaciers

12 Farming gave people more free time Results in development of better tools Development of artistic skills Changes in gender roles

13 5000 Year Old Pottery

14 4000 Year Old Necklace

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