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Summary of RF Work To Date G. Taylor NSTX Monday Physics Meeting June 21, 2010 NSTX Supported by 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Summary of RF Work To Date G. Taylor NSTX Monday Physics Meeting June 21, 2010 NSTX Supported by 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summary of RF Work To Date G. Taylor NSTX Monday Physics Meeting June 21, 2010 NSTX Supported by 1

2 Summary of RF Work To Date (Taylor) June 21, 2010 NSTX NSTX Monday Physics Meeting RF Operations Summary - I 5.5 days of RF operations in June On June 3 ran 2.5 hours RF vacuum conditioning in evening:  Reached 19-21 kV on all sources On June 7 ran XMP-26 with -90 o phasing (k  =-8 m -1 ):  2.2 MW for 200 ms into He OH plasma, shorter pulses up to 3 MW  2.2 MW for 160 ms into D NBI H-mode plasma On June 8 ran XMP-26 with k  =-8 m -1 & -150 o phasing (k  =-13 m -1 )  Started with 1 hour of vacuum conditioning, reached 19-21 kV on all sources  2.2 MW of k  =-8 m -1 for 200 ms into He OH plasma, T e (0) = 3 keV  1.4 MW of k  =-8 m -1 for 200 ms into D NBI H-mode  0.9 MW of k  =-13 m -1 for 80 ms in D NBI H-mode 1.5 run days (1 day SFSU & 0.5 days WPI) 2

3 Summary of RF Work To Date (Taylor) June 21, 2010 NSTX NSTX Monday Physics Meeting RF Operations Summary - II June 9 ran XMP-26 at k  =-8 m -1 :  2.1 MW of k  =-8 m -1 for 200 ms into D NBI H-mode (Also 2.7 MW for 100 ms & 2.9 MW for 50 ms)  Completed 4 shots of XP-1017 “RF Divertor Heating”, ran at 4.5 and 5.5 kG June 11 ran 2 hrs of XMP-26, mostly at k  =-13 m -1 :  2.1 MW of k  =-8 m -1 for 160 ms into D NBI H-mode  1.1 MW of k  =-13 m -1 for 130 ms into D NBI H-mode June 14 ran XMP-26, mostly at 180 o phasing (k  = 14 m -1 + 18 m -1 ), k  =-13 m -1, and k  =-8 m -1 :  Struggled to couple 0.4 MW at k  = 14 m -1 + 18 m -1 into D NBI H-mode  1.6 MW of k  =-13 m -1 for 170 ms into D NBI H-mode  Ran I p = 300 kA plasmas for XP-1009 at the end of the day and got good heating and H-mode with 1.4 MW of k  =-8 m -1 for 200 ms 3

4 Summary of RF Work To Date (Taylor) June 21, 2010 NSTX NSTX Monday Physics Meeting Best RF Pulse Obtained with k  = -8 m -1 Heating on June 9 4

5 Summary of RF Work To Date (Taylor) June 21, 2010 NSTX NSTX Monday Physics Meeting Large Increase in T e (0) & P e (0) with 1.4 MW of k  =-8 m -1 heating of I p = 300 kA Deuterium Plasma

6 Summary of RF Work To Date (Taylor) June 21, 2010 NSTX NSTX Monday Physics Meeting RF Operations Summary - III June 17 ran XMP-26 at k  =-8 m -1 :  1.4 MW for only 170 ms into D NBI H-mode  Lots of trips when we tried to run above 1.4 MW into D NBI H-mode  Ran a few shots of XP-1017 “RF Divertor Heating” at 4.5 and 5.5 kG June 18 ran 3 hours of vacuum conditioning:  Antenna was badly de-conditioned  Took 3 hours to reach 14-15 kV on all sources  Large increase in pressure during conditioning 6

7 Summary of RF Work To Date (Taylor) June 21, 2010 NSTX NSTX Monday Physics Meeting Divertor Heating vs Magnetic Field Pitch B=5.5 kG, I p =0.8 MA B=4.5 kG, I p =0.9 MAB=4.5 kG, I p =1.0 MA B=4.5 kG, I=0.8 MA

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