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NDT 2: Online Education Programme for the Management of Constipation in Adult Patients with Palliative Care Needs Karen Bowes Community Palliative Care.

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Presentation on theme: "NDT 2: Online Education Programme for the Management of Constipation in Adult Patients with Palliative Care Needs Karen Bowes Community Palliative Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 NDT 2: Online Education Programme for the Management of Constipation in Adult Patients with Palliative Care Needs Karen Bowes Community Palliative Care Nurse Lead, Belfast Trust

2 Applying a Palliative Care Approach to the Management of Constipation in Adults -development of an e-learning module NDT 2 Tracey Ashfield, Karen Bowes, Deborrah Brennan, Lorraine Collins, Eileen McGuigan, Aileen Mulligan

3 Background The National Clinical Effectiveness Committee developed guidelines for the “Management of Constipation in Adult Patients Receiving Palliative Care” NDT 2 were selected to develop an online education programme for health care professionals to support the Implementation of the National Guidelines

4 Initiative Aim To improve the management of constipation in adult patients with palliative care needs and therefore improve their quality of life Improve knowledge of all HCP through the development of an online education resource Support the implementation of the guidelines

5 Approach/Activities NDT 2 reviewed guidelines and designed project brief Development of expressions of interest (EOI) EOI sent to interested parties who had experience using ARTICULATE software on the AIIHPC platform Northern Ireland Hospice (NIH) were awarded the contract for development of the programme Programme content developed by NDT 2

6 Approach/Activities On-going liaison and regular meetings (NDT 2 and e-learning manager NIH) face to face and via Review of programme content and design by NDT Pilot of programme through distribution and consultation within locality teams Agreement on final content and format including certificate on completion Upload of programme by AIIHPC to learning platform

7 Key Challenges Challenging task- massive project with huge amount of work. Balance of current roles, and involvement in project. Guidelines: based on Level D evidence, not yet available for implementation, currently only intended for use in ROI. Guidelines not reflective of current practice Geographical spread of members of NDT. Time and commitment for all NDT members to attend meetings in Belfast with Nuala- Development of IT skills.

8 Highlights/Reflections on journey Networking, developing relationships. Both within NDT 2 and wider PCSNN. Improved collaborate working across interfaces and jurisdictions. Delivering within our budget. Developing our knowledge of IT, EOI process and E learning.

9 Next Steps Going live on the platform


11 Final Thought……

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