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Computer Systems D Stainton. Computer Misuse What is computer misuse? Criminal offences which can be committed using a computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Systems D Stainton. Computer Misuse What is computer misuse? Criminal offences which can be committed using a computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Systems D Stainton

2 Computer Misuse What is computer misuse? Criminal offences which can be committed using a computer

3 Fraud The term fraud traditionally covers a range of crimes in which some kind of advantage has been obtained by deception. –An example would be where directors falsify accounts in order to obtain a loan or just monies that would not otherwise be available. Computer fraud generally involves interfering with the operation of a computer in some way to obtain financial advantage. However, whilst important, it is not an area that we need to concentrate upon for this unit.

4 Hacking – a brief history In the late 1980’s there was concern about hacking and the damage which could be done to systems – especially those that were safety-critical –this concern was increased by the appearance of the first computer viruses. There were a number of attempts to prosecute hackers under the then-existing legislation, but the success rate was not very high.

5 Hacking – a brief history It became clear that the law, as it was at that time, was poorly equipped to address the activities of hackers and virus writers. Studies were carried out into the issue – the English Law Commission wrote a report in 1989. The recommendations of the Commission’s report formed the basis of the Computer Misuse Act which was passed in 1990.

6 The Act The Computer Misuse Act 1990 was designed to protect the integrity of computer systems by deterring the activities of hackers. It created three new offences: 1.Unauthorised access to computer programs or data 2.Unauthorised access with a further criminal intent (known as the ‘ulterior intent’ offence) 3.Unauthorised modification of computer material

7 The Act Besides addressing computer misuse the Act also contains special provisions in recognition that hackers may operate from other countries, by including special provisions relating to jurisdiction and extradition. You will need to research information on this act.

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