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connections through music/Making connections through music

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2 http://Making connections through music/Making connections through music

3 Words of Wisdom

4 Always the most difficult part of the race, is the last step. The weeks telescoped into one long frantic blur of days and events that ended suddenly, abruptly. Never practice on the day of a performance. Exams are a technical hurdle only. A chronological hurdle; a ticking of the clock. A sign that time is passing.

5 What is Goldsworthy trying to tell us through his novel? What is it to live? Should we live with regret? Can we ever be at peace with our past? Is youth wasted on the young? Can you ever live up to the expectations of others? Is it ok to fail? Can we ever really be honest with ourselves? Who will we miss when they are gone? Can you escape the past? Live in the now – enjoy!

6 Write down 10 key events in the text Concert in the park Meeting Keller for the first time Being with Megan / Rosie Playing at the Battle of the Bands with Rough Stuff Keller tells his story / confession to Paul Paul goes to Europe and learns that a truth Paul gets bashed for answering back to the school bullies Learning about Keller in the library with his mother Seeing the couple having sex in the library Keller lends Paul the ‘textbook’ and he takes it home Getting an A+ for his exam but it meaning little in Keller’s eyes

7 Which character do you feel most connected to? Why?

8 What are the different sections of the text and what is their purpose in the telling of the story?

9 A value or belief is something we hold onto in our lives because it is important to us. What do you think Goldsworthy values or wants us to value, through his story?

10 In what ways did Gilbert and Sullivan, Bach and The Rolling Stones influence Paul’s life?

11 “If you want people to believe your lies, set them to music.” German film reel - taken late in the war Obama kids – cute or creepy?

12 Actual propaganda film 1&list=PL0AD2845956A0D5B8 American Propagana film for WW2 - Cartoon

13 “What is the difference between good and great pianists? Not much. Just a little.”

14 “We must know when to move on. To search to long for perfection can also paralyse.”

15 “ Beauty simplifies. The best music is neither beautiful or ugly. Like the world, it is infinitely more complex. Full of nuance. Rich beyond reduction. We must not make the mistake of confusing music with emotion.” ------- Through Keller – what is Goldsworthy trying to tell us about life?

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